“A nightmare, I can’t call it music. We’re forced to stay indoors”: residents’ anger explodes over Mickey Mouse’s performances

by time news

Every day crowds of tourists gather in Via Atri, in Napolito attend his performances, including tarantellas and traditional Neapolitan songs, so much so that it has become a fixed “stop” for those visiting the city. Antonio Borrelli, aka Mickey Mouseand thea Neapolitan neomelodic singer known for one thing: he performs from the balcony of his house, right at the intersection with the Armando Diaz school. His performances amplified by “powerful electro-acoustic equipment”, however, have become an attraction for tourists, but also a nightmare for residents and shopkeepers in the area. Yes, because his music, so appreciated by tourists, has become a real torment for those who live and work in the area.

Collecting the complaints of the neighborhood is Republicwhich reports the disappointment of the principal of the institute, Daniela Oliviero, who underlined how Mickey Mouse’s music disturbs the lessons and the final exams. “He didn’t sing during the exams, but usually his voice can be heard in the classrooms for a few hours a day – Oliviero explained -. Naples should be known for something else, don’t you think?”.

The situation has prompted shopkeepers and residents to launch yet another petition, addressed to the prefect, police commissioner and mayor, denouncing “the use of powerful electro-acoustic equipment” by Topolino and the resulting “loud noise that invades the entire neighborhood”. Renato Sivio, a lawyer and resident, described the situation as “incredible“: “We are forced to stay indoors“, he complained. “I who graduated from the Conservatory I can’t call it music. A traffic policeman once told me that they can’t do anything about it, the prosecution will return the hearing aids to him if they are seized“. Mickey Mouse, who has a checkered past with a drug-related arrest, has been performing from his balcony for at least eight years and, despite numerous complaints for “unauthorized public entertainment,” it looks like he will continue to do so.

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