«A nightmare in my nights, I dream of wanting to leave a closed room»- time.news

by time news
from Francesca Scorcucchi

The star in the series «The mystery of the templars» coming out on Disney+: «I love treasure hunting and my favorite subject was history»

In «Chicago” was a murderer, in “Traffic» a drug trafficker. Catherine Zeta Jones is not new to villain roles but this time, she assures her, playing the multi-billionaire blonde Billie she enjoyed: «After all, you know, blondes have more fun». The Welsh actress is on Disney+, with «The mystery of the templars – the series», which brings the homonymous saga loved by the kids of the 2000s back on TV starring Nicolas Cage. It is the second major television franchise for the actress. On Netflix she plays Morticia in “Wednesday”miniseries on the Addams Family, signed Tim Burton.

«Of both projects I liked the idea of ​​taking known stories and give them new life. There are titles that are in everyone’s memory and being part of them is a great honor. When I told my children that I would be part of a series about a saga that they probably didn’t know about history, archeology and treasures to be recovered, they made fun of me. They were little when the films with Nicolas Cage came out, yet they knew them very well and indeed, interpreting the series I became a very cool mother».

The series produced by Jerry Bruckheimer, with an episode released every Wednesday, stars Lisette Olivera, who plays Jess, as reckless and perceptive as Nicolas Cage was. He did not return but Harvey Keitel, who played Peter Sadusky in the film franchise, joins the cast reprising the same role.

Jess is twenty years old and a dreamer, as in the United States are called children who arrived illegally in the States still in swaddling clothes and waiting to regularize their position in the country. But she has an even bigger dream: to try to solve a family mystery and recover an ancient treasure that greedy Billie has got her hands on. Zeta Jones has a similar passion: “I love treasure hunting,” says the Oscar-winning actress for “Chicago” —. I often go to flea markets to try to find a treasure that someone carelessly left behind. My favorite subject at school was history.” An interest that she has conveyed: «My son has just graduated in history, my daughter is studying it. History and archeology are fascinating because they always reveal something new about our past».

Instead, he doesn’t love them Escape room,
described in the series directed by the director of Moonson Wedding, Mira Nair. «I’ve never played it and there’s a precise reason. As a child my nights were disturbed by a recurring dream in which I tried unsuccessfully to get out of a closed room. It is a nightmare that continues to frighten me, even now that I am 53 years old». She made them on September 25, like her husband Michael Douglas. “We were born on the same day, but be careful! Not the same year, there are twenty years of difference », she jokes.

Another important date is in November: «On the 18th we celebrated 22 years of marriage». Jailbird was Danny De Vito who made them known. The children, Dylan and Carys, arrived immediately: «They are 22 and 19 years old but I still call them “children””. Will they follow the career of the famous parents? «The little one doesn’t know yet, the big one I thought he wanted to be a history teacher and instead he’s talking about becoming an actor too. Whatever he wants to do, we’ll be on his side, always.”

December 13, 2022 (change December 13, 2022 | 21:26)

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