A note of condolence on the death of Chief Kotok Kamaiurá

by time news

2024-07-31 19:23:26

The Socio-Environmental Institute (ISA) is deeply saddened by the death of Chief Officer Kotok Kamaiurá, next Tuesday (30/07).

One of the great indigenous leaders of the Xingu Indigenous Territory (TIX), Kotok Kamaiurá has worked since his youth to promote the well-being of the communities, to strengthen the culture and to fight threats to the territory.

The son of the great shaman Takumã Kamaiurá, he inherited his father’s leadership. Kotok learned the art of Upper Xingu diplomacy from Takumã from a young age, a time when the Villas-Bôas brothers created the Xingu Native Park.

Kotok led the Kamaiurá people during the years when his people saw the occupation of the surrounding territory grow, deforestation affected the sources of the Xingu River and new challenges arose.

Along with other great Xingu chiefs, such as Aritana and Raoni, Kotok participated in a large number of political mobilizations to protect indigenous rights. He married four women and had dozens of children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Following the Kamaiurá tradition, preparations will soon begin for the Kwarup funeral ritual in honor of Kotok, which should take place around August 2025, when the mourning cycle ends.

His legacy of struggle and resistance will continue to inspire generations to come.

ISA expresses solidarity with family and friends at this time of grief.

Chief Kotok Kamaiurá during the Xingu+50 Native Park event, in July 2011|Claudio Tavares/ISA

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