A nutritionist reveals 5 foods that she recommends adding to meals to prevent cancer

by time news

The Monitor newspaper: California nutrition and health expert, Susan Smith-Jones, revealed the foods that we should add to our diets to prevent cancer.

And about some food choices for cancer prevention:

1- Sprouts: Eating a cup and a half of broccoli sprouts daily, as this can reduce the chances of developing cancer by 50%.

2. Vegetables: All kinds of vegetables, such as spinach, kale, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and collard greens, will give us a little extra protection against cancer.

3- Tomatoes: There is no better food than tomatoes for men to eat in terms of preventing prostate cancer, and nutrition lies in the lycopene in tomatoes, which gives them their red color, according to the “New York Post”.

4- Green tea: You can change your morning cup of coffee with green tea for additional health benefits, as green tea may not only help prevent cancer, but also has antiviral and antibacterial properties.

5- Nuts and seeds: Almonds are a great source of protein, fiber and vitamin E. Soak the almonds in a bowl of water overnight to soften them and enhance their bioavailability. Then, put some soaked almonds in the blender with four cups of water to make homemade almond juice.

Flaxseeds provide a large number of nutrients to help prevent cancer, such as omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E.

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