2024-08-20 05:16:34
“We promised 15 million tourists, we haven’t seen them,” Farid sighs (First name changed)Worker of La Belle Vie food bar, rue de Belleville. If the Olympic summer is prosperous for some merchants in the capital, especially near the competition sites, there is great sadness for others, as in this business in the 19th district. “We expected to work like crazy… Nothing at all. We send all our extras automatically and we even have to close the kitchens. There are only two of us in the room when there are usually at least four,” Farid continued.
On the other side of the road, the situation is just as sad. “It’s simple, I worked more during the Covid pandemic, can you imagine? », laments Tarak, manager of the Mille et une gourmandises bakery family. The result of the races for your business: a change of half compared to a normal summer.
#perfect #accident #Paris #chaos #businesses #ruins #Games