“A pizza for autism”, for work and social inclusion – Health and Wellbeing

by times news cr

2024-04-05 18:37:53

(ANSA) – NAPLES, APRIL 03 – “Even today, too often, we are seen as a disturbing element” Teresa is clear. She is a mother, one of many who, together with other parents, participated with their children in the presentation of the pilot project “A Pizza for autism”. Teresa has a son suffering from autism spectrum disorder “A working future for our children is a chimera, an opportunity that is too often precluded. Projects like “A Pizza for autism” are a beacon in the night” “A Pizza for autism” “autism” is a pilot social inclusion project for boys and girls affected by autism, created by the social promotion associations of Marano: “Tutela la Salute” and “Social Autism” with the fundamental support of Pizzeria Zeroottantuno, the World Champion of pizza chefs Valentino Book.
On the occasion of the World Day for Awareness of Autism Spectrum Disorders, the presentation at the Pizzeria Zeroottantuno headquarters in Marano di Napoli.
A completely free opportunity for those who choose to sign up. Membership applications must be sent to the email addresses of the two associations [email protected] and [email protected] The Zeroottantuno pizzeria will be the headquarters of the project which will be divided into two parts. We start with the 6-month training and learning phase. During these 180 days the boys and girls will first familiarize themselves with the structure and the trainers, and then move on to the teaching part. The courses will take place twice a week for 2 hours and will move from learning in the kitchen, alongside the pizza chefs, to learning in the dining room, with waiters and managers.
After the training, those who have achieved adequate working autonomy will be able to sign a contract with the “Zeroottantuno” pizzeria and thus be hired. With all the others, we will continue the training course. “These kids are ghosts for society and we want to go against the trend – explained Diego Mancini, president of “Tutela la Salute” – These kids have few opportunities to socialize during their days. With “A Pizza for autism” we want to offer not only an opportunity for job placement, but also a moment of social inclusion. This is just a starting point, there are many new projects already in the pipeline” The project headquarters is social pizzeria Zeroottantuno, which will make its structure and professionalism available at no cost. A reality born from the desire of the owner, Valentino Libro, to give everyone an opportunity. “After a difficult moment in my life, I risked dying, I decided to do something for social issues. Zeroottantuno works at 360° in the area, offering opportunities also to people that society marginalises. In recent months we have also given job opportunities to ex-prisoners” One of the three organizations that gave life to “A Pizza for autism” is “Aps/Ets social autism” by Sabatino De Blasio “The association – explains De Blasio – has been working in the area for 3 years, dealing with autistic children of all ages. In my career I have had the opportunity to notice that, especially after school, boys and girls suffering from autism spectrum disorder end up being marginalized by society. Their daily lives take place mainly among walls of the house, that’s why this initiative was born, it was born to allow them to live in society.
The mayor of Marano di Napoli, Matteo Morra, also took part in the presentation. In complimenting him on “A commendable initiative that looks at the needs of the area” he underlined the Municipality’s attention to the issue of autism “By the month of April – Morra announced – the tender for the management of the Villa belonging to Luigi Simeoli will be published. The villa is a confiscated asset that will become a center for children suffering from an autism spectrum disorder (ANSA).

2024-04-05 18:37:53

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