A poll of mandates revealed: the coalition is shrinking – and the public is not satisfied with the government

by time news

A poll of mandates published this evening (Tuesday) by News 12 revealed that if the elections were held today, the strength of the coalition and in particular the Likud party would decrease, while most of the opposition parties benefit from strengthening. The survey also shows that the public is not satisfied with the performance of the Netanyahu government and most believe that its performance in the areas of security and the cost of living is bad.

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According to the survey, if the elections were held today – two months before the formation of the government – a party Likud would drop to 29 seats, compared to one party There is a future which grows stronger and rises to 26 mandates.

The third largest party is The state camp which is also strengthened to 14 mandates, in another list Religious Zionism – Jewish power shrinks and drops to only 12 mandates. The list of parties that won a double-digit number of mandates closes Shas with 11 mandates.

Torah Judaism would have received 7 more mandates Israel is our Home stands at 6. Also R.A.M increases to 6 mandates, Hadash Ta’al with 5 mandates and Meretz Back from the dead with 4 mandates. Rather a party the job crashes and together with Balad They do not pass the blocking percentage.

The block maptherefore, it is 59 mandates for the current coalition, 56 for the opposition, and 5 Hadash Ta’al.

What causes these data? The survey examined the public’s opinion on the functioning of the government in the areas most important to the Israeli citizen – security, economy and cost of living.

In everything related to handling the issue the economythe government receives a bad grade from 62% of the respondents and only 33% think that its performance is good.
in personal security The situation is even worse – 71% answered that the functioning of the government is bad and only 24% is good. Interestingly, the majority of voters of the current coalition according to the survey give the government a bad mark.

The survey added and checked what the public thinks about the performance of the prominent ministers in the government – and here, too, the results overwhelmingly explain the drop in mandates and public opinion.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu He received a bad grade from 59% of the respondents and only 35% believed that his performance was good. Minister of National Security Itamar Ben Gvir He received a bad grade from 62% and a good grade from only 32%. Minister of Finance Bezalel Smotritz Closes the list with 62% who answered that his performance was bad and only 30% who answered good.

The most popular minister, surprisingly, is actually the Minister of Defense Yoav Galant – Only 45% think his performance is bad and 38% think his performance is good. It is interesting to note that precisely among coalition voters Gallant’s score is low – that is, opposition voters like Gallant for the same reason that coalition voters do a little less.

The survey did not examine the opinion of the respondents on the reform of the judicial system, but without a doubt it is one of the factors that contributed to the drop in the power of the coalition.

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