A pregnant woman was brutally killed to possess the unborn child; The death penalty for the young woman NRI

by time news

Texas: A Texas court has sentenced a woman to death for killing a pregnant woman to get her unborn child. Taylor Parker, a 29-year-old woman, brutally murdered her friend and took out their baby.

The incident related to the case is taking place on October 9, 2020. Regan Simons Hancock’s body was found in her home in New Boston. The body was in a state where the uterus had been cut off. The woman’s three-year-old daughter was also present at the time of the murder.

Earlier that morning, Taylor Parker had been stopped by the police for speeding. She informed the police that she had given birth to a baby some time ago. By the time the police took Parker and the baby to the hospital, the baby was dead.

The incident unfolded in the subsequent investigation. Parker, who misled her boyfriend that she was pregnant, decided to have Regan Ismons’ baby, an acquaintance of hers, in order to announce that she had a baby. Simons was brutally killed for that. With the uterus cut out

The body was covered in blood. There were hundreds of puncture marks on the body.

The mother of the deceased Simons described Parker in court as a piece of devil’s flesh.

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