“A priority, the future of my children”: in the accounts of Michel, airline pilot at 8000 euros per month

by time news
In a context of general price increases, purchasing power is one of the main concerns of the French. Coming from all walks of life, some have agreed to open their accounts (salaries, income, expenses) to us for a series of testimonials. They also share their ideas for increasing purchasing power.

If the lifestyle of Michel, captain for more than twenty years, had to be summed up in one word, it would be sobriety. Anyone who defines himself as an “epicurean” nevertheless earns a very good living. With an average of 8,000 euros net monthly, the fifties is, according to the latest figures from the Observatory of Inequalities, among the 1% of the best paid French people. If he is aware of “being well off”, he still wants to remember that his job imposes a particular rhythm of life on him.

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