a quarter of companies saw their turnover fall in April, according to a survey

by time news

2023-05-03 10:08:50

During the mobilizations, many businesses had to lower the curtain to avoid damage from the thugs. ALAIN JOCARD

Among these companies affected, almost half are in the trade sector.

More than a quarter of companies saw their turnover in April affected by the mobilization against the pension reform, according to an Opinion Way poll published on Tuesday. In April, “the protest against the pension reform had an impact on the turnover of more than a quarter of companies (28%)“, and among these, almost half are in the trade sector (48%), indicates the institute which carried out the survey for CCI France, the national network of chambers of commerce and industry.

Among the companies surveyed, a quarter believe they have felt an impact on their internal organization and a quarter also report supply difficulties. The study was carried out with 1,019 business leaders, interviewed by telephone between April 7 and 18. Furthermore, the “strike-related disruptionsagainst the pension reform have, among other factors, also weighed on manufacturing activity in France in April, which recorded its strongest contraction in nearly three years (45.6 points), according to the PMI index published on Tuesday by S&P Global and Hamburg Commercial Bank (HCOB).

A “very sharp deterioration in demand”

An index below 50 reflects a contraction in activity. S&P and HCOB put forward a “very sharp deterioration in demandaddressed to industrial companies. In detail, this drop in new orders can be explained both by “excess customer inventory, an unfavorable trading environment and, in some cases, strike-related disruptionsagainst the pension reform.

After the last day of mobilization on May 1, which brought together nearly 800,000 demonstrators according to the police (2.3 million according to the CGT), the unions “always unitedcalled on Tuesday for a 14th day of action on June 6 to “to be heardof deputies. They will examine two days later a bill aimed at repealing the pension reform just enacted.


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