A quarter of parents spend less than two hours a day with their children

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Director of the Adler Institute, Ms. Lian Sela; “The survey on ‘Children’s Day’ conducted by the Adler Institute, which acts as an association for social change, is an important measure of parents’ perceptions in Israel of key issues they face. Necessary for parental and personal coping ► Many who encounter difficulty, turn to the help of the institute and experts from the family field and there is a significant increase in requests for guidance and treatment.

“Here is a complex picture that indicates the relationship of trust and the need in Israel to reduce anxiety among parents. It is important to see the reality and help families find the best balance. The fact that quite a few parents see their children for about two hours a day is disturbing. This is a phenomenon that affects parents’ trust in their children, and causes anxiety “- says the director of the Adler Institute, Ms. Lian Sela, on the occasion of the publication of a survey by the Institute for International Children’s Day or Children’s Rights Day.

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International Children’s Day In the country Israel, To be noted tomorrow Sabbath (16 Kislev, 5764) And towards it is published Public opinion poll Share Adler Institute Through a company IPANEL, as we know “International Children’s Day” B-20 BNovember and/Or ‘Child Rights Day‘ B-1 BJune, Are intended to promote the welfare of Children And of Boys In all eworld.

Public opinion poll, Done with the aim of testing the Degree of parental involvement In the lives of their children, to what extent eparents Concerned about their children and what the parents’ perceptions are about key issues that concern the whole eparents BIsrael.

survey The Adler Institute, Indicates that92% Of the respondents, it is important to know where is the boy Their is at any moment and37% Of which even useDigital accessoriesTo stay inSupervision AndHappened And know where eBoy Found at any given moment, to receive Alerts On the child’s location and sometimes also the exact history of Child movements In order to know where he is going and where he is.

Children grandparents and screen

parents Spending time less andless with theChildren When most of the day, eNo child found BParental supervision, Survey The Adler Institute, It appears that Quarter From the respondents Spend less time MTwo hours On the day with theChildren.

This seems to be one of the significant reasons whyparents Many are more concerned and want to know Where the child is at any given moment.

How anxious are the parents for their children?

BeyondThe physical space, It is known thatChildren Spend most of your free time inThe virtual network And exposed toContent Which usually do not pass filtering And control.

abouthalf Of the respondents in the survey (49%), Think that should be allowed toChildren open invoice BSocial networks From age 16 and up.

While it is known thatChildren Are inSocial networks Already at a much older age young.

one of three Of the respondents are in control of theSocial network Of theBoy Or eGirl Their in a way active and-30% Of them, they replied, that they do so to a great extent and in a manner Fixed.

GodSocial networks, Exposing theChildren To-vulnerability, hooliganism, Violent content andSexual, already atearly age.

Lean Rock; “There is great importance topresence Godparents By getting to know Network spaces the children’s, supervision, the intent anddiscourse Ongoing children are much more aware and exposed to the effects of Content BNetwork“.

The survey also shows that-60% whatparents Think you need to talk to theChildren On sexuality BAdolescence (12-18). when are 30% From the respondents, think thatworthwhile Speak with theChildren On sexuality More Before the age of 10.

Most of theparents (about-70%) Believe, that they are the ones who should be eEducators The main of their children on the subject sexuality And only 16% whatparents Answered thattask This is her responsibility The education system.

8% Think that who should be theeducator The main of theChildren Tosexuality They are in general Qualified professionals On the subject.

Are the parents a little disconnected?

Injury bThe virtual space She sometimes Direct extension of Injury, damage BThe physical space. From the survey, a worrying figure emerges – 21% whatparents, Do not know at all whether their child Moved or Going through a boycott BSchool.

It seems that there is Disconnection Between the will of theparents to be connected What happens to the child, and thereality Went in fact. When almost Quarter Godparents Not connected toThe social situation of Their child.

Children from All Nations Read Books  Computerized processing: Shuli Songo ©
Children read books

In general, about half of the respondents (53%) Think thatSchool he safe place for Their children, While close to30% Think thatSchool he Not a safe place. From the respondents, they replied 17% That they do not know if School he safe place for Their children.

In the question of eresponsibility On Education GodChildren, Answered 80% Of the respondents, that most eEducational responsibility Imposed on theparents And only 13% Replied that most eresponsibility She’s on The education system – Almost sweepingly eparents Trust more themselves, Than they trust The education system When it comes toEducation.

School; 53% think that school is a safe place for their children, while close to 30% think that school is not a safe place…

Director of the Adler Institute, Reply’ Lean Rock; “Survey on the subject”Child’s Day‘Editor The Adler Institute The verb cAssociation for Social Change, Constitutes measure Think about the perception of theparents BIsrael On key issues faced.

The rate of eModifications The dizziness that burst into our lives greatly affects the relationship between parents ToTheir children. Not all parent Always finds the personal resources needed to cope Parent andpersonally.

Many who encounter difficulty, turn to the help of theInstitute And of Experts MFamily domain And there is a significant increase in inquiries toInstruction andTreatment.

At the new pace of life, parents Spend less time with theChildren Therefore, also more concerned and trying supervise And be inMonitoring Also on theThe virtual world In it the children Wandering And also inworld GodPhysical Through Digital accessories Such and such.

GodSocial networks, Have become a central and significant space bChildren’s lives, When the presence of eparents By getting acquainted with the spaces of theNetwork the children’s, supervision, the intent andOngoing discourse. GodSurvey“, Most prominently illustrates that there is a lot of work ahead of us.” saying Director of the Adler Institute, Reply’ Sela.

*The survey was conducted on09/11/2021, To which he replied representative sample of 300 Respondents bAges 18+.

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