A quarter of the graduates of the Sea Arm captains course are captains

by time news

On the order of the ceremonies of the training base in Haifa, a graduation ceremony of the 144th seamanship course will be held tonight (Sunday). For the first time, nine women will complete the course, the highest capability rate ever at the end of a course.

Among the graduates who make history, there are two captains in the machine major, also for the first time. This profession has hitherto been reserved for men only, mainly because of the belief that women are not allowed to enter the engine room of ships. The ship’s machine officer is usually called a “chip,” but from today the nickname will be gender-matched and henceforth called “chips.”

A seafaring course is considered one of the most difficult and long courses in the IDF, only a few pass the screenings and survive the long course. For commanders of ships, submarines, and naval cruises.

The graduation ceremony will be held in the presence of the Minister of Defense, Bnei Gantz and headed by the Deputy Chief of General Staff, Major General Herzli Halevi. The ceremony will also be attended by the Commander of the Arm of the Sea, Major General David Saar Selma, the Commander of the Armored Corps, Colonel Tamir Shemesh, other commanders and the graduate families.

Over the years, the sea arm has made quite a few adjustments to include more women, but to date the highest number of women who have completed the seamanship course was only 3 women.

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