A Republican elected official admits his past as a “drag queen” after having long denied it

by time news

The young Republican elected to the House of Representatives, George Santos, finally confirmed on Sunday that he performed in drag queenbut only on one occasion during a festival in Brazil, after the publication in the media of photographic evidence taken by old acquaintances from his past.

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After being hounded by journalists about his experience of drag queen, Santos had to give in to this incriminating evidence; which is a new development in the scandal that has plagued the 34-year-old U.S. congressional newcomer from Nassau County.

While back in New York over the weekend, he admitted to a local ABC affiliate that he was indeed the interpreter of drag known as “Kitara Ravache” at events in Brazil.

However, he said he only “dressed up once” at a festival, despite numerous and various images and videos of his costume. drag spread since in the American media.

“I was young and had fun at a festival – so attack me to have a life!” he launched to the ABC 7 station. hadn’t been just “once”.

A Republican elected official admits his past as a “drag queen” after having long denied it

According to another artist dragEula Rochard, who says she knew him in Brazil, George Santos would have competed for the title of “Miss Gay Rio de Janeiro”, only to lose the contest in 2008.

“The beauty pageant is for boys who dress like women. They are beautiful. The boys are beautiful. And he lost because he was fat”, she explained to the daily Insider.

According to Rochard, George Santos was not a drag queen professional, but he dressed up from time to time. Incidentally, she has Santos identity in a video of the Niterói Pride Parade in 2005.

He reportedly boasted of his father’s wealth, but his mother was a maid. “He was a big dreamer,” Rochard said. “He wanted to be famous no matter what.”

Not the only hidden fact

Obviously, the performance of drag queen of George Santos are just the tip of the iceberg of his lies. Indeed, the American has become known in recent weeks for having fantasized about several key details of his past life and his curriculum vitae.

A Republican elected official admits his past as a “drag queen” after having long denied it

He admitted to falsely claiming to work at Citigroup and Goldman Sachs, and to graduating from two New York colleges. He is also accused of faking his grandparents’ supposed Jewish ancestry as well as stories about them escaping the Holocaust.

He also claimed that his mother died in the collapse of one of the World Trade Center towers, which turned out to be false. In fact, Santos’ list of lies seems to be growing by the day as more and more reporters dig into the Republican’s background.

Many members of Congress from both parties have called for his resignation, saying voters don’t know the man they backed, given his many lies about his past. Nonetheless, he remained adamant that he would not step down, even though his financial statements could possibly land him in trouble with law enforcement.

The said New York Republican has taken ultra-conservative positions considered anti-LGBTQ, even though he calls himself gay. Santos staff did not comment on the situation.

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