A “right of visit” to the teleworker, a predictable but controversial development

by time news

According to Fred Haffner for the Journal du Télétravail, some employers are proposing to regularize the fact of making control visits to the homes of employees in telework. It would be a kind of “visiting right” provided by independent bodies. For Me Lucien Flament, lawyer at the Paris bar, specialist in labor law, it is even a predictable development.

Employees, concerned about working conditions at home

The statistics confirm the trend, according to a survey of 2,000 employers from all over the world, by the publisher of security applications Express VPN: 78% of them use software to monitor their employees. But often, the software is not sufficient to cover the need for control of employees working remotely.

Some have even proposed to appoint an independent body that can make control visits to employees. Initially, this would be, according to Me Flament, a way of ensuring good working conditions in the employee’s home, particularly in terms of “respect for the rules and the employee’s state of health”.

Health-related issues, at the heart of employers’ concerns

For the labor law specialist, such visits will be used to check the state of health of the remote employee, foreseeably to frame security measures and avoid accidents related to personal life in teleworking, an issue that lacks a legal framework. . In fact, accidents related to personal life during teleworking hours are considered to be accidents at work. For this, special precautions on the part of employees are recommended, but they are difficult to follow and verify.

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