A roadmap is defined to strengthen care in health establishments in Zamora Chinchipe – Ministry of Public Health

by time news

Loja, April 13, 2023

The province of Zamora Chinchipe has 51 first-level care establishments operating between type A and B health centers and health posts. Added to this are the three hospitals, which guarantee comprehensive care for the citizens of Zamora.

This April 12, Carmen Guerrero, Vice Minister of Comprehensive Care of the Ministry of Public Health (MSP), together with her work team and the Zonal 7 coordinator, Isabel Cueva Ortega, made a tour of first and second level establishments in the province from Zamora Chinchipe. These visits make it possible to strengthen work in the territory and thereby improve customer service.

The tour began at the El Pangui Type B Health Center where they verified the flow of care, procedures, multipurpose clinics, early stimulation, vaccination, among other areas. The establishment provides health service to 7,380 inhabitants of 31 urban and rural neighborhoods of the canton.

Later, they went to the Julius Dopfner Hospital, located in the provincial capital. Here they verified the attention in the triage area, warehouse, emergency, hospitalization, pharmacy, surgery and operating room.

The health house provides general medicine, traumatology, general surgery, pediatrics, and gynecology services, among others. It has a capacity for 57 hospital beds and during 2022 it executed 98% of its budget.

Guerrero met with the governor of the Zamora province, Absalón Campoverde. He explained the functionality of the hospital entity and the process that would allow the construction of a new hospital. “We need a consultancy to design the new hospital, this work must be articulated with the GAD, they provide the design and we provide the financing,” he emphasized.

During the day in the territory, Andrea Bravo, National Director of Hospitals, also visited different areas of the Yantzaza Basic Hospital to talk with users and health personnel.

In these technical visits, monitoring, follow-up, accompaniment and support to the health units were carried out to draw up a road map that includes actions to strengthen the provision of services aimed at the population.

This April 13, it is planned to tour the facilities of the Basic Saraguro and Isidro Ayora hospitals, in Loja.

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