a round table on the trial of the events of September 28 organized by UN Human Rights – Aminata.com Information in Guinea and around the world

by time news

2023-09-29 21:43:23

As part of the implementation of the project financed by the Peace Building Fund (PBF) entitled ”Support for social cohesion” under the chairmanship of the Minister of Justice and Human Rights and the coordination of the office of Resident coordinator of the United Nations system in Guinea, UN Human Rights organized this Friday, September 29, 2023 in Conakry, a round table on the trial of the massacre of September 28, 2009, one year after its opening.

This activity, which benefited from the support of UNFPA and the United Nations National Development Program (UNDP), aimed to mobilize all the technical and financial partners involved and/or engaged in the process of events. of September 28, 2009 in order to take stock of twelve (12) months of the trial and above all discuss the significant challenges linked to the successful continuation of this historic trial.

Welcoming the participants, Aimé Kakolo Ntumba, representative of the UN human rights in Guinea, said that his institution was committed to the fight against impunity for serious crimes, particularly those committed on September 28, 2009 at the eponymous stadium. of Conakry at the heart of its priorities in Guinea.

Aimé Kakolo Ntumba, UN human rights representative in Guinea

“Over the past 13 years, UN Human Rights has provided multifaceted support to the Guinean State and other relevant actors so that a fair and just trial punishes the crimes against humanity committed today. -there. The support of the UN human rights went from advocacy to national authorities and the mobilization of the international community, to support for victims, including capacity building for judicial actors,” he said. recalled.

Continuing, he reiterated the thanks and recognition of the UN Human Rights and the entire international community for the efforts that the Guinean transitional government has made through the Ministry of Justice so that this trial takes place 13 years after the facts.

“A year ago to the day, you materialized the commitment of the Guinean State to conduct this trial under Guinean soil in order to show the whole world that the Republic of Guinea has a judicial apparatus capable of conducting a trial of this scale and to send a clear message to all those who would be tempted to commit serious human rights violations that Guinean justice awaits them,” he said, addressing the Minister of Justice. .

A year after the launch of this emblematic trial, which gave hope to victims and survivors, restored the confidence of partners and galvanized the people of Guinea who assiduously follow the hearings on a daily basis, the United Nations system through the rights office de l’homme considered it necessary to organize this round table in order to take a critical look at the different aspects of this trial.

“The discussions of this half-day will, I hope, allow us to make a sort of mid-term evaluation, to highlight the strong points, to identify the challenges and to set perspectives for the continuation of the hearings. The debates of this round table will revolve around the history and process of the opening of the trial of September 28, the presentation of the main developments and observations in the progress of the trial of September 28, and finally the great current challenge related to logistical and financing issues for the September 28 trial before receiving your recommendations after discussion. Thus, we expect from the participants in this round table, debates on the major challenges facing this trial and the perspectives for the future which will be presented in the form of recommendations,” he indicated before the start of the work of this round table.

Speaking, Dr Gualbert Gbehounou, resident coordinator of the United Nations system (UNS) in Guinea said that the initiative of the transitional government to organize this trial marks and will forever mark the history of the fight against impunity in the Republic of Guinea.

Dr Gualbert Gbehounou, resident coordinator of the United Nations system

“The trial of the massacre of September 28, 2009 is of capital importance both for the Guinean government and for the United Nations. This historic trial is a major contribution to achieving Sustainable Development Goal number 16, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions. This sustainable development objective aims to promote the advent of peaceful and inclusive societies with the facts of sustainable development, ensure access to justice for all and establish effective, responsible and open to all institutions at all levels. . To ensure justice and peace, it is important that governments, civil society and communities work together to put in place sustainable solutions to reduce violence, deliver justice, fight corruption and ensure inclusive participation. permanently,” said the UN diplomat.

Further, he states that since the start of this trial, we have witnessed significant developments marked in particular by hearings, testimony and the continuation of investigations.

However, he continues, “it is essential to recognize that this process is complex and demanding. The path to justice is often long but necessary to ensure that victims obtain reparation and that impunity is fought. In this perspective, the support of technical and financial partners is crucial because of its importance for justice and the process of national reconciliation, social cohesion and respect for human rights. In other words, the success of this trial is an essential step towards the fight against impunity, the reparation of the harm caused to the victims and the construction of a just society. By supporting this process, the partners contribute to the consolidation of the rule of law in Guinea and the promotion of democratic values ​​while providing hope of justice for the victims and their families as well as positive men or the region, the Africa and the whole world in the fight against impunity.

According to him, it is therefore important that we continue to work together in coordination with the Guinean authorities to overcome the challenges linked to the protection of victims and the proper functioning of justice.

“At the level of the United Nations system, we have materialized our support through the implementation of the project to support the process of national reconciliation and social cohesion in Guinea thanks to financing from the peace consolidation fund. This project allowed us to strengthen the capacities of journalists and media professionals on the prevention of hate speech linked to this trial and the magistrates in charge of the trial. Certainly, this is a minimal contribution given the multiple existing and persistent challenges. But, it is together within the framework of a global and constructive partnership, a frank collaboration and a sincere commitment that we can meet the challenges to contribute to the success of this trial that we have called for with all our hopes. My most ardent wish is that at the end of this round table we can come out with proposals for action and concrete commitments for the success of this trial, including the strengthening of victim protection. Finally, I reiterate the commitment of the United Nations system to support the government in this process. I launch a sincere and pressing appeal for us to pool our efforts, work together so that light is shed on the crimes of September 28, 2009 and that Guinea can move forward into a future of peace, justice and prosperity for all. , launched Dr Gualbert.

Alphonse Charles Wright, Minister of Justice and Human Rights

On behalf of the President of the Transition, Alphonse Charles Wright, Minister of Justice and Human Rights, reiterated his satisfaction thus far with the means by which partners continue to support the Republic of Guinea.

“Your presence here is eloquent proof to support the Republic of Guinea in its desire to have a fair trial by shedding light on these events which shock human conscience. We did not have all the levers at the start, for those who know the level of evolution of the seat which is currently hosting this trial. For those who know the obsolescence of the texts which should lead to the establishment for the continuation of the bodies which should work to hold this trial,” he began.

Before reaching out to partners, the Minister of Justice said that 19 billion Guinean francs had been mobilized for the victims.

“This will continue, because they too are parties to this trial. We cannot forget them. We know that the partners have done a lot to support them, but their cries of heart which reach us every day tell us that there is much to do. They need care, financial assistance, our psychological support and everything that follows. We should invite partners to think about the method by which they can support the Guinean State in the implementation of interim administrative restorative measures, which is different from the reparation measures which will have to be pronounced independently by the court. . And to obtain this right to reparation, they would have to be alive. So we call on partners to support our country on this level.

You have noticed that financial questions come up each time around this trial. In terms of the trial account, after paying everything, today we do not have more than 4 to 5 billion. This means that tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, the same problems will return. It’s true, everything you have brought (strengthening the capacities of the media, magistrates, etc.), all of that is not bad. Moreover, this qualitatively continued the smooth running of this trial. But what we are asking you here is financial support to enable us to withstand the blows that have become much more difficult to withstand,” he asked.

This meeting was attended by representatives of several specialized UN agencies and ambassadors from friendly countries in Guinea.

A round table on the trial of the massacre of September 28, 2009

Aliou Barry for Aminata.com

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