“A secret kept until the last minute”: behind Margie’s pink leotard

by time news

Colors, cuts, flattering lighting and lots of variety. The Fashion Week for 2022 was signed last night, after three days laden with mesmerizing locks, quirky cuts and plenty of creativity from the best blue and white designers.

In conversation with Birch oak, The super designer who signed the fashion week in a crazy show, he told about the excitement of closing the week laden with stardust, and also a bit about working with the Thyme company, which took care for the second year to leverage its technology for the benefit of the industry. “This is not our first collection together, but I went big this time,” he said.

It is clear to all of us that beyond the obvious advantages of producing clothing digitally, there are also quite a few design limitations, he added: “I used to work with smooth colors, but this time it was colorful, made up of five different fabrics. Working with Thyme was challenging, no doubt “But amazing.”

Alon Livne, Thyme Fashion Week Tel Aviv 2022 (Photo: Avi Waldman)

My last question to him, was how not, regarding the surprise of the evening. The singer who walked on the track, dressed in birch oak from head to toe and in a tight pink leotard, was the singer Jonathan Margie. The crowd for a moment marveled and immediately moved on to stormy applause.

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“It was planned but kept secret until the last minute, I’m really glad it turned out that way. Obviously there were some who knew and started dripping information, but in the end – had the surprise effect, which is what I wanted,” he said.

Jonathan Margie at Alon Livne's Show, Kornit Fashion Week Tel Aviv 2022 (Photo: Avi Waldman)Jonathan Margie at Alon Livne’s Show, Kornit Fashion Week Tel Aviv 2022 (Photo: Avi Waldman)

It is clear that in recent years the fashion weeks, not only in Israel, have undergone a significant twist. We had long ago shattered the model of the scrawny models who walked the runway and just wanted to make sure they did not faint from hunger, and finally gave the stage worthy of the truth the audience wanted to see: women and men, in all sizes, colors and genders. and better this way.

One of the additional upgrades is the emphasis on sustainability. The fashion industry is recognized as polluting, wasteful (mostly textile) driven at a dizzying pace because of the frequent changes in trends – which requires mass and cheap production, and in other words, does not meet the new “trend”: green.

So the one who took under her auspices, for the second year in a row, the Fashion Week in Israel, is the digital company Kornit. The company offers technological systems that enable, among other things, the printing of fabrics and designs and shorten and streamline the work of designers.

The company has set itself the goal of revolutionizing the fashion world and thus addressing three main needs: reducing pollution and waste, shortening work processes and mass production close to the customer.

Thyme boasts that many designers have begun to invest in working with it, so it provides a solution for creating fabrics and designs that save the time of sewing, cutting, weaving and what not. Or in other words: the production limits of the human hand can be breached.

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