“A sensitive and complex situation. It is best to discover humanity and release”

by time news

Tom Haimov Although does not say out loud the word “farewell” when asked about the relationship with Gal GvaramWhom he knew from the reality show “Big Brother”, but if you read between the lines – it can be assumed that for now, the two have separated forces.

Haimov is accompanied by the close agent who keeps her talent well and makes sure to listen to every word that comes out of his mouth. Still, they both know that all eyes are on him at the event – the opening of the new Asics flagship store that took place this morning (Monday) in the Tel Aviv port – and most of the media who came to the place want to hear what he has to say about their relationship with Gvaram and accept his mental state. , As she revealed in a story in which she said she suffers from depression.

“First of all, we should congratulate her for choosing to share, it is a brave act,” says Haimov, adding: “And regardless, I think the situation has not changed. As he learned last week, it is appropriate now to respect the situation and us and we will make sure to update the “Everything is a sensitive and complex situation.”

“The situation is sensitive. It would be best to respect us and the situation.” Tom Haimov Photo: Rafi Daloia

As mentioned, Haimov first refers to the relationship between the two, and although he does not say unequivocally that they are no longer together, it can be understood that this is the situation at the moment. “The situation is sensitive,” he repeats, “the right thing to do would be to respect us and the situation. I think the right thing to do is to show humanity and a little bit to let go. We will let everyone know.”

Although Haimov does not speak on behalf of Gvaram, he says that he also experienced shivering after the lights went out in the “Big Brother” house. “It was not depression but I did go for professional treatment. They will guide me and accompany me and that is very very important,” he says without hesitation. “For me it’s it came from the place of how I see myself, the comparisons we usually make and the insecurity and feeling that I’m not enough. It’s floating on the surface and I had to deal with it.”

Anyone who watches us at home and feels similar feelings, what do you advise him?

“I think the best thing is not to be ashamed. Not to be afraid to go to counseling. Even if you are prescribed pills – it’s okay, it’s not a cut. It’s just something to balance us in this period.”

Do you use bullets?

“In my life? Yes, I’m not ashamed of it.”

Did you ever believe that you would reach “Big Brother” and that your story would happen like this?

“Nobody thinks about it. You make plans and God upstairs laughs. I’m just rolling.”

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