a setback for a fight that must be structured

by time news

A page turns for Rémi Tell, founder of “Free People”, a collective which has distinguished itself in the fight against “covidism”: he announces that he is gaining ground, without denying or losing sight of his commitment. A step back exposed in a message by which he takes stock of a painful fight and gives some leads for it to continue or be reborn stronger.

See also: Message to the Free French

A resignation, a resignation? He denies it, explaining that if it is time for him to record the limits of this commitment, his own and that of all those who have followed or shared it, it is to better refound it, structure it around of the three imperatives he outlines in his message.

The elaboration of a doctrinal support, first of all: the reconquest of freedoms is a much larger matrix, he believes, than a simple lowest common denominator between comrades in struggle whom everything else would oppose, and it embraces many present and future issues. Then, the structuring of a “subsistence ecosystem”: the sinews of war should not be neglected. Finally, invest in an approach of media “disruption”, which makes it possible to overcome the obstacles of the system to the communication of these movements.

He believes that “the worst is ahead of us”, but Rémi Tell is not defeated. Noting that this mobilization has not succeeded in reaching the French as widely as expected, he does not blame those whom this resistance has not succeeded in reaching, convinced that “the experience will open their eyes”. “The death of this system has already been announced, the question is to know when and at what price”: the price being potentially high, “we must organize ourselves” and do “systemic background work”.

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