A sharp confrontation between Rina Matzliach and Boaz Bismuth that got out of hand

by time news

In the program “Ulpan Shishi” on News 12, which aired last night (Friday), a sharp confrontation developed between the panel members, Rina succeeds Boaz Bismuth, who got out of control.

Rina Matzliach said that “this conflict can not be resolved except to live as a state that gives too few rights to a public that is too large and growing at the expense of the Jewish public.” Then Boaz Bismuth came in and said to her: “Sorry I’m interrupting you. Just remind viewers that the first attack was until 1751, a few years before the establishment of the state. Two, do you justify terrorism? Answer me ”… Successful angered designers and replied:“ Really, what do you mean? I justify terrorism. Bismuth, you know what? shut up”…

“Studio Friday” presenter, Danny Kushmero tried to stop the confrontation between the two but without success: “No no Rina… No. Second moment, friends… no no I’m not ready like that… Boaz and Rina…. ”. Then the criminal correspondent Moshe Nussbaum also intervened in favor of Maslih and turned to Bismuth, while the political correspondent Yaron Avraham, who graveled between the two, seemed to bow his head and quite embarrassed by the confrontation: “Get back from your stupid statement” while pointing a finger at him. No… No… No guys… We are Saturday night after a hard day… No second. Words will not be said here, shut up and not dumb and you will not say that Rina justifies terrorism. Pretty friends! ”

Rina Matzliach continued: “I do not even intend to address the claim that I justify terrorism. I am trying to explain the reality of our lives and I am talking here about both sides, both the right and the left. “

From the “Ulpan Shishi” program on News 12

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