“A slap (…) is not equal to a man who beats his wife every day”, affirms Manuel Bompard

by time news

This is a new sentence that stokes the fire of criticism towards La France insoumise (LFI) in the face of its response deemed inappropriate to the Quatennens affair. While affirming not “minimise the facts”, the “rebellious” MP for Bouches-du-Rhône, Manuel Bompard, a close friend of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, said Friday, September 23 on CNews that“a slap is never acceptable, but it is not equal to a man beating his wife every day”.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Quatennens case: Jean-Luc Mélenchon regrets nothing, at the risk of plunging LFI into crisis

“A slap is not equal to a person who is accused of rape after drugging people (…). We have to manage on these subjects to have nuance ”he argued with reference to the accusations of rape targeting the former Minister of Solidarity Damien Abad, to explain his opposition to a resignation of Mr. Quatennens from his post as deputy, while the latter withdrew of his party after admitting to having slapped his wife, who filed a handrail against him.

Manuel Bompard went on to say: “Personally, I have always tried to show nuance on the subject, to respect a certain number of principles: proportionality, the absence of automaticity, the fact that we try to graduate the accusations and therefore the sanctions and the corresponding measures. »

“A considerable harm” to the fight against violence against women

His words were quick to react to the rest of the political staff, up to the government. “Abject remarks that trivialize violence. Words that damage the fight against violence against women. Words that totally discredit you on this subject”thus condemned Isabelle Rome, minister delegate in charge of equality between women and men, in a post on Twitter.

“Shut up now! That’s enough !! It is up to the courts to judge this case. Your words do considerable harm to the fight for the protection of women against violence.also reacted with a tweet Marlène Schiappa, current Secretary of State for the Social and Solidarity Economy, formerly in charge of equality between women and men and the fight against discrimination (2017-2020). “By saying that, sir, you are surely forgetting that precisely ‘it often starts with a slap'”was also indignant the Renaissance deputy Prisca Thevenot on the same social network.

Read the survey: Article reserved for our subscribers Jean-Luc Mélenchon, his lieutenants and the “rebellious” feminists

For the ecologist deputy and feminist activist Sandrine Rousseau, member of the Nupes, “A slap to one’s spouse is a crime. (…) All these words are words that minimize these acts [de violence] », sis she sorry on LCI. « I remind you that there are 230,000 women who are currently experiencing domestic violence.she added, before pointing out: “Manuel Bompard must understand that from the first gesture, from the first slap, women are told ‘you have to leave [de chez vous]”, and it is not for nothing. »

Socialist Party spokeswoman Gabrielle Siry-Houari, known for her feminist commitments, added on Twitter : “Violence against women is extremely serious regardless of its ‘frequency'”. Their authors cannot represent us politically. No context can justify domestic violence; no context makes them more acceptable than another. »

On the far right, MEP Gilbert Collard also pinged : “Manuel Bompard establishes a hierarchy in violence against women (…) : the hierarchy is, in itself, unbearable! »

The odds of Jean-Luc Mélenchon since the case

Manuel Bompard’s remarks come in a particularly tense context within his party. After the announcement of the withdrawal of Adrien Quatennens on September 18, it was the leader of LFI, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who first multiplied the odds and drew criticism from the all political leaders.

Mr. Mélenchon reacted immediately to this decision in a tweet denouncing “Police malice, media voyeurism, social networks, [qui] invited each other in the conflicting divorce of Adrien and Céline Quatennens”. He insisted: “Adrien decides to take it all on himself. I salute his dignity and his courage. I tell him my confidence and my affection. »

In the absence of words for the victim and comments deemed relativistic about violence against women, Mr. Mélenchon’s messages were quickly denounced on social networks, forcing the conductor of the Nupes to post a second message to rectify the shooting a few hours later, without success. “I weigh my words all the time”he assured at the microphone of “Daily” Thursday while claiming not to regret his tweets.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers The Quatennens affair, a first flaw in the domination of Jean-Luc Mélenchon at LFI

The Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, had judged on Tuesday “extremely shocking to have someone trivializing domestic violence”. For her part, the leader of the National Rally, Marine Le Pen, reacted on France Inter to Mr. Mélenchon’s tweets, saying: “To succeed in making a tweet with so many laudatory remarks towards someone who expresses the admission of having committed violence, it is still incredible. »

Mr. Mélenchon’s remarks also created unease within LFI and Nupes. “A slap is violence”had tried to reaffirm LFI MP Danièle Obono on Thursday, on Twitterwhile affirming not to disavow Mr. Mélenchon but to make a “reminder of the fundamentals [de LFI] and a call to continue the long and difficult work”. At the LFI group’s back-to-school press conference in the Assembly on Tuesday, the party’s deputies acknowledged ” To grope “ on a question ” complex “.

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