A small corner of sins: Rapper Feld electrified Hangar 11 in a launch show for the album

by time news

If Itai Peled was a football club, it would accumulate championship plates in boxes. On the one hand, he makes music that connects everyone and not as a cliché. And on the other hand, he has a tight ultra crowd that goes with him all the way with absolute loyalty.

It is hard to imagine what goes through the mind of an artist on the eve of such an important performance. He will soon close 20 years of activity and record ticket sales, and the stage will be occupied by colleagues who have walked with him all the way. But the streets are angry and blocked, there is a lot of chaos and at the end of the port the big hangar is waiting for thousands of women and men who came to see it. And despite this, the seemingly disturbing thoughts were cleared away by the intensification of resistance, the roads were emptied of demonstrators and at nine zero zero – a solemn demonstration of power began on the stage.

A performance by Itai Peled (Photo: Nir Amitai)

With your permission, I will stay in the political semantics for a few moments. Feld, being the prince of the genre, is a rapper who knows how to hold a conversation with a variety of styles. Starting from depression music, through rock and metal to Israeli and classical music. Because of this, throughout his career, he recruited a wide coalition of artists and some of them came to pay their respects on stage.

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Full disclosure, as befits the pre-Bumriotian period, I saw the show from the upper tribune in the complex, which is absolutely not the way to experience such a show. To feel the full power, you have to stay on the ground, in the crowd and dance for 90 minutes. But it was also an interesting way to observe and examine the event, which began with the waving of Feld’s black flags in each corner of the stage, which remained flying with the letter P throughout the evening, with pyrotechnics and smoke in the background – Ultras, as we have already said.

A performance by Itai Peled (Photo: Nir Amitai)A performance by Itai Peled (Photo: Nir Amitai)

After a thrilling opening and a few songs from the familiar repertoire, Liron Amram came on stage to play a little stanga with the song “Kafrah” (in the role of Nibin) and immediately afterwards to perform the song “Florentine” from the new album. Later, the music producer and rapper Michael Cohen came up who gave an excellent take, Ravid Plotnik sang words for the audience and blessings for Peled, and the friends Michael Svisa, Aden Darso and Shlomi Alon.

In between, Peled talked a little with the audience. And those who expected big words received the same excited boy from Menchaemia who didn’t want to make small talk with the audience, but came to give a job worthy of the moshavnik that he is. And this, in my opinion, is the simplicity and secret of his success. The direct lyrics are sewn into the music itself and not into Ming Ling. And because of this, he also allows himself to sign the performance by sticking a terrible grip on the microphone.

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