A social network was born dedicated to writers who fail to emerge

by time news

Time.news – The first social network dedicated to writers is born in Italy. A digital space in which every writing lover can make himself known and enter into a relationship with those who live the same passion and, above all, with those who love to read and buy books. A platform where there are no barriers or mediations and the success of a writer or a book are linked exclusively to talent and ability to directly conquer the reading public. The more blops (this will be the system that signals the positive reactions of the public) you will win, the more visibility and recognition you will have within the social network.

Blopolis was born from an idea of ​​Saro Trova, sociologist, media expert and former founder of Libreriamo, the most important community in Italy dedicated to book lovers. Blopolis was born to meet the needs of thousands of writers to find a place where you can promote yourself freely and without the filters imposed by traditional platforms and by the algorithms of the various digital channels.

“We metaphorically wanted to create a Virtual City totally inhabited by book lovers – says Trovatore – Booklovers will have a city totally dedicated to those who love to write and read. Life in Blopolis will unfold constantly confronting people who live this passion. It is natural that if you do not like books it is useless to come and live in Blopolis. The moderation of the platform will try to avoid in every way the presence of profiles not interested in the project, excluding them if the very essence of city life is violated. No matter where you are physically, Blopolis will allow you to live 24/7 365 days a year. The lights in Blopolis will never be turned off. “

Just access the Blopolis home page to immediately experience the feeling of entering a metropolis where life revolves around the book. All you have to do is sign up and through your profile choose to write a story, a poem, a review. You will be able to publish books, supported by booktrailers or other audio-video material and have the opportunity to have your works purchased directly on Amazon and soon through other e-commerce and physical distribution channels.

Blopolis stands as “fluid publishing”, In line with the new needs and profound transformations of the book market. Through Libreriamo’s 10-year experience, Blopolis wants respond to the needs and frustrations of writers many times overa discontent deriving from the filters imposed by the traditional editorial model, both as regards the publication of books and their promotion.

It should not be overlooked that traditional criticism cannot cope with the number of books that are published. Reviews mediated by various media, blogs and influencers can respond to requests from a small part of the books published and many times inevitably end up favoring names already known or linked to direct relationships.

An opportunity also for publishers, who thanks to Blopolis will be able to give space to their catalog and at the same time discover new talents to offer to the market. Blopolis will offer maximum support for self-publishing, crowd-publishing.

Blopolis also arises as collector between storytellers and the corporate world. It is one of Blopolis’ objectives to promote books by involving companies more and more. Today, marketers need new stories to engage their consumers. Professional writers or simply lovers of writing will be able to create something unexpected and engaging to offer the public an innovative way of telling brands and products. Companies will also be able to support the publication of new authors or books in crowd-sourcing thematic or linked to social and environmental commitment.

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