A Social Security error forces 48,000 families receiving the IMV to return 2,500 euros

by time news

2023-06-16 01:16:01


The delay in the tax data means that households that were initially recognized with the benefit, later have to repay it

  • minimum vital income The Tax Authority refutes Escriv: the real data for households that receive the IMV is half of what Social Security claims

The Tax authority Not only did the number of families that, according to the Ministry of Social Security, benefit from the Minimum Vital Income (IMV). Just 284,000 homes at the end of 2022 for the 560,000 that the department of Jos Luis Escriv pointed out in January.

also alert of another problem sensible which has this feature: 48,000 families who had received the aid now have to refund the money deposited. 2,500 euros as a median, a concept that refers to the amount that is located right in the center of all the amounts that must be returned. The reason is an error in the assessment of the Ministry as a consequence of the delay in obtaining the fiscal data.

“The definitive data on income and assets from the previous year are not available until quite late in the current year, which generates revisions to the payroll received from IMV,” explains the body led by Christina Herrero in the Second Opinion on the Minimum Vital Income that I published this Thursday. For 123,000 households, for example, it was an increase. For almost 82,000 a downward revision and for the aforementioned 48,000 families, the update of the data led to the loss of support. With their new tax situation, they are no longer entitled to IMV and must return that median figure of 2,500 euros.

This amount, for a family that has been a beneficiary of the IMV and whose economic situation, without being precarious, does seem adjusted, is a relevant outlay. Households that have undergone a downward revision but maintain the right to the IMV, are subjected to a monthly reduction in your aid until completing the amount that must be reimbursed. But for those who no longer have access to the minimum income, the situation is different. They have to pay out of pocket This quantity.

The Ministry explains that, in this case, the debt is sent to the General Treasury of Social Security (TGSS) to start the general collection procedure. This body issues a god complaint in which a term is set for the repayment that households have to comply with. Social Security stresses that the TGSS offers facilities to make this payment, with long payment periods. But even so, it is a sensitive upset for these families.

The IMV does not take off

Returning to the controversial difference in the number of beneficiaries, the AIReF correction caused yesterday the immediate reaction of the department that is now directed, precisely, by the former president of the Fiscal Authority.

Social Security questioned the conclusions because some data “suffers from poor quality, as the text itself acknowledges”, and criticized that there was not adequate communication between both parties. The criticism was very harsh. Herrero replied that the Ministry had had the report for “15 days”, that the data is “indisputable”, and that the difference in the number of beneficiaries is due to AIReF accounting for the data. taking into account the ups and downs and the Ministry, the accumulated total. “For us the good is the net,” said the president, to which she added that the way of counting Social Security “is as if in pensions you count how many people throughout history have received the pension.” The confrontation is obvious.

Escriv finds it particularly uncomfortable that AIReF is speaking out against its flagship measure to fight inequality because its work in this area dates back to the year 2019, when he himself presided over the organization and Cristina Herrero was director of the Budget Analysis Division.

AIReF then publishes a study on minimum income programs in Spain and already proposed the creation of a single system to avoid “overlapping” between benefits. This was the basis on which Escriv built the Minimum Vital Income in 2020. His idea was to deploy it throughout the legislature, but the irruption of the pandemic and the pressure exerted by the then vice president, Pablo Iglesiasthe obligate submit it ahead of schedule.

Although the goal was to reach 800,000 homes y 2.3 million people, six months after launching it, the minister himself had to admit that the success had been relative: only 160,000 families received it. A year later, in June 2021, some 300,000 received it and at the end of the year, 284.000. Although many more request it, seven out of ten are discarded for not meeting the income and/or equity criteria.

The poor coverage It responds to several factors: bureaucracy, the difficulty in reaching vulnerable groups that are far from the Administration and having counted among the possible recipients people who, although they apparently had no income, could collect it unofficially.

The Ministry has launched initiatives to try to overcome these barriers, for example a bus that travels through Spain publicizing the aid, but even so, according to the report presented yesterday, the number of beneficiaries has not increased.

According to the criteria of

The Trust Project

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