a social world for new icons – time.news

by time news
from Aldo Grasso

Impossible to return the characters from the original series, now adults, so the cast has been completely renewed. More inclusive, more gender fluid

Never go back to the places where you were happy. So says popular wisdom: it is evident that American television series love very much, however, to return to their happy places. Gossip Girl has also added to the long list of returns we have witnessed in recent months (HBO has made a real editorial strategy), with an eight-episode reboot (Sky and Now TV). The cult series for a generation of teenagers represented a showcase of the best of fashion, music, obsessions and manias of the young Manhattan quarrel, in its way a veritable aristocracy with a pyramid organization, governed by strict and unwritten laws. cruel. The series born in 2007, before the explosion of social media, before Instagram and TikTok, before the influencers: Gossip Girl, the puppeteer who sanctioned falls and thuds in society of the protagonists to the sound of anonymous reports and blackmail, was hidden behind a blog , an instrument that today seems to be communicative archeology.

Going back in 2021 meant updating first the imaginary
media reference: via blogs, on an Instagram page, this time managed in secret by the professors of the prestigious Constance Billard high school, used as a tool to avoid being crushed by the social privilege of their unpunished students. It is impossible to bring back the characters of the original series, now adults, so the cast has been completely renewed, more inclusive, more gender fluid, with new reference icons, new places to frequent (and above all not to frequent). The reboot did not convince everyone. The original was, after all, a cheerful and mainstream guilty pleasure, with the charming writing of a nineteenth-century epistolary novel. Here, the HBO brand has pushed towards an attempt to create an auteur product, which takes itself more seriously, perhaps too much.

November 29, 2021 (change November 29, 2021 | 22:15)

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