a solution to recover the sense of smell that your doctor is not going to give you

by time news

Science has revealed that behind most cases of persistent Covid is a reactivation of the Epstein-Barr virus. We give you the keys to combat it naturally, as well as the loss of smell so typical of SARS-CoV-2 infection.

We are still immersed in an unprecedented wave of Covid-19 due to the extremely high contagion capacity of the Omicron variant.

And, although in principle this would affect the majority of the population in a milder way, the truth is that there are still people who carry symptoms of the infection beyond their own convalescence (it can be weeks or even months).

This is what is known as “persistent Covid”, common even among those who have been asymptomatic during the infection or have only experienced mild symptoms, as an American study has shown.

It proved that almost a third of people infected with SARS-CoV-2 suffer respiratory or digestive problems (other studies point to more sequelae, of more types) up to 60 days after infection.

Well, the scientists would have already found the key that explains this abnormal duration of the symptoms and, with this, they open the door to a possible solution. Let’s see what this is about.

The mononucleosis virus, behind the persistent Covid

According to various trials, the explanation for this high incidence of persistent Covid would be in a different viral agent: the Epstein-Barr (o EBV).

This virus, present in no more and no less than 90% of adults, is the cause of infectious mononucleosis (a condition that, because it is transmitted through saliva, is also called “kissing disease”).

This infection does not usually lead to major setbacks. However, once overcome – and as with many other viruses – Epstein-Barr does not leave us, but remains latent for life in our body (both in tissues and in certain cells, for example B leukocytes).

Later, in times of stress, a pronounced drop in defenses or an inflammatory condition, it can be activated again in a process similar to that of the first infection.

Covid-19, trigger factor

As far as is known, the coronavirus responsible for the pandemic, once it infects the body, fosters an environment of immune fragility that latent viruses such as Epstein-Barr (and also herpes) use to attack the body.

And specifically, the so-called EBV would be responsible for:

  • On the one hand, aggravating the Covid-19 condition, favoring the development of an acute form of the disease due to an increase in certain substances such as D-dimer, certain liver enzymes, transferrin, and C-reactive protein.

In addition, research has proven that patients admitted to the ICU for Covid-19 also had a higher Epstein-Barr viral load.

  • On the other hand, favoring persistent forms of the disease accompanied by symptoms such as fatigue, mental confusion, headaches, fever, shortness of breath, skin rashes…

Some of these later symptoms remained without apparent explanation, although it turns out that they are common to the Epstein-Barr manifestation itself (as is the case with skin rashes).

The figures for persistent Covid and its symptoms do not lie

According to various analyses, up to 73%! of patients with long-term Covid have presented specific antibodies against EBV, indicating a reactivation of this virus in the body.

And also in a more careful inspection, the researchers have also seen that this reactivation of EBV did not occur later, but during the coronavirus infection.

In other words, it is a direct consequence of the inflammatory environment that favors SARS-CoV-2 infection.

So let me give you some tips below so that if you do get infected with coronavirus, you can combat a possible reactivation of the Epstein-Barr virus (which you have already seen that you more than likely have in your system).

In order to maximize your defenses, you would do well to mix:

– 5 ml of essential oil (EA) of ravintsara.

– 3 ml of EO of tea tree.

– 2 ml of radiated eucalyptus AE.

Apply 10 drops of this mixture on the inside of the arms 2 times a day for 10 days. And you can also pour 4 drops of the mixture on a piece of bread 2 times a day just before the main meals for 3 weeks.

If you want to know a little more about the antiseptic power of essential oils, I recommend you read this other text.

And if one of its sequels is that he lacks his sense of smell?

I propose a technique that could well be called “live embalming”. And it is that it is, neither more nor less, than covering yourself with stimulating aromas to exercise your sense of smell permanently.

In this case mix:

  • 7 ml de AE ​​de ravintsara.
  • 2 ml of AE of peppermint.
  • 2 ml of irradiated eucalyptus EA.
  • 5 ml of vegetable oil (AV) from macadamia nuts.

Apply 15 to 20 drops on each inner side of the arms, 3 doses daily for 7 days, then reduce to 2 doses for an additional 10 days.

If you prefer, you can also try taking 5 drops of this same synergy on a neutral tablet (the little piece of bread you saw before is worth it, but also a tablespoon of honey) and repeat with 3 daily doses for 10 days.

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