A specialist reveals the best herb for treating polycystic ovaries, delayed menstruation, and hormonal imbalance • Al Marsad Newspaper

by time news

Al-Marsad newspaper: Dr. Khalil Al-Sabah revealed the best useful herb for treating polycystic ovaries, delayed menstruation, and hormonal imbalance.

And “Al-Sabah” explained, during a video clip, which he shared through the “Tik Tok” application, that the “Kaf Maryam” herb is one of the best solutions to these problems that any girl suffers from.

As for the method of preparation, he reported, that the water is boiled, and then the herb is soaked in it, for 30 minutes, warning against boiling the herb with water because this affects its benefits greatly.

Al-Sabah pointed out the importance of continuing to eat this herb from a month to a month and a half in the morning and evening.

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