A specific vitamin deficiency threatens hundreds of millions…and the risks are many

by time news

A specific vitamin deficiency threatens hundreds of millions…and the risks are many – educate me

A lot of medical reports have appeared, which indicated that vitamin B12 deficiency threatens millions of people in many countries of the world, as it is primarily responsible for the health of the brain and nerves, and its deficiency leads to many health problems, laziness, fatigue, and many others.

Symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency

  • Signs of fatigue and stress increase with age, and the percentage of vitamin B12 in the body decreases, because as a person ages, vitamins and minerals decrease in the body.
  • Medical reports at Harvard University indicated that it is possible for vitamin B12 to decrease in the body without us noticing, and that this deficiency that occurs is harmful and deceptive, and greatly affects nerves and tissue building, especially in the elderly. This vitamin is considered responsible for stimulating blood circulation in the body and stimulating its work.
  • Vitamin B12 is an important vitamin in the formation of red blood cells, as folic acid is responsible for their formation.
  • Vitamin B12 helps form DNA and contributes to the formation of proteins and lipids that coat nerve fibers and spinal cord.
  • A deficiency in vitamin B12 leads to nerve damage, impaired walking, and dementia may sometimes occur.
  • There is vitamin B12 in many foods that we must take care of and are included in our meals constantly, which are meat, salmon, eggs, cheese and milk. Vegetarians may be exposed to vitamin B12 deficiency due to the lack of these elements in their diet.
  • There are alternatives to foods that contain vitamin B12, which are pills sold in pharmacies fortified with this vitamin.
  • B12 vitamins are found in almonds, pistachios, oat milk, and soy milk.
    A person may eat these foods, but he also suffers from a vitamin B12 deficiency, due to a defect in absorption through the stomach or storage through the liver.

Benefits of vitamin B12

Many doctors advise that vitamin B should be taken periodically so that it does not lead to causing many problems, and this is because of the benefits available in it:

  • It is always recommended to take this vitamin on a regular basis because of its essential benefits for the body. Supports the nervous system, the brain and the brain, which gives the body visible activity and vitality in daily activities

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