A storm after the exposure of Channel 7 | MKs are angry: “Khan Al Ahmar has become a nest of terror”

by time news

Channel 7’s revelation of the connection between the terrorist who carried out the explosives attack in Jerusalem and the illegal outpost Khan al-Ahmar arouses great anger among Knesset members from the coalition who called for the immediate removal of the illegal outpost in preparation for the state’s answer which is to be submitted today (Wednesday) to the High Court.

MK Danny Danon of the Likud said that “Khan al-Ahmar is no longer just an illegal settlement – it is a nest of terror.”

The Deputy Speaker of the Knesset, MK Nissim Vatori, added that “the things were clear to us in advance and now we are receiving further reinforcement. Khan al-Ahmar is a strategic point for activities against Israel’s security and harming our sovereignty in our country. We must evacuate Khan al-Ahmar today. If we give up here There will come a day when we give up everything.”

Member of Knesset Limor Son Har Melech from Otzma Yehudit stated that “we received an important reminder of how important the evacuation of Khan al-Ahmar is of the first order. The lawlessness and lack of governance in the field of construction, the growth is a fertile ground for terrorism that allowed the despicable terrorist to find a safe haven among the criminal residents of the outpost. The state’s answer must To be sharp and clear: immediate and determined evacuation.”

המערה ליד חאן אל אחמר
המערה ליד חאן אל אחמרצילום: פורום עוטף ירושלים

MK Almog Cohen emphasized that “Khan al-Ahmar must be dismantled as soon as possible, certainly after the disclosure that a terrorist from the bomb attack was hiding there, when illegal places are used as cities of refuge for terrorists, this is the best reason to destroy them. The ‘Otzma Yehudit’ party is working around the clock to dismantle Khan al-Ahmar.”

The head of the regional council, Binyamin Israel Gantz, said that “the lawlessness of the territory and the lack of governance are a fertile ground for terrorist acts. The Khan al-Ahmar issue is a test of Israeli governance. Any attempt to evade eviction and transfer the residents there to lots that the state has prepared for them, is a surrender to a strategic occupation that seeks to destroy the Israeli continuity between Jerusalem and the Dead Sea and the Jordan Valley. Hostile elements are pushing the residents of Khan al-Ahmar to refuse to be relocated to lots and the government must not serve their anti-Israeli goals. It is not for nothing that the loss of sovereignty in the place has served as a breeding ground for terrorist acts in Jerusalem.”

The CEO of the Regavim movement, Meir Deutsch, concluded: “It is not surprising that terrorist Ben Avla finds a hiding place and a warm embrace precisely in the Khan al-Ahmar area, a strategic area adjacent to the main road in Israel, which is subject to a massive takeover by the Palestinian Authority through a network of dozens of outposts. The current story illustrates once again, these outposts are not innocent and are a tangible and immediate danger. The time has come for a decision – turn Khan to Ahmar, pack up the idea of ​​a Palestinian state and send it straight to the archives.”

The comments, as mentioned, come in response to Channel 7’s revelation about the hunt for the terrorist Islam Paroch who carried out the bomb attack in Jerusalem about two months ago, in which Aryeh Shechopek and Tedsa Tashuma the 14th were murdered.

According to the publication, during the hunt for the terrorist, an undercover unit conducted searches in the Khan Al Ahmar outpost. The members of the unit will ask the local residents after a suspicion arose that the Bedouins around Khan Al Ahmar did not report and even helped the terrorist to escape. A security source said that the Bedouins did not cooperate with the forces, but the investigative operations carried out in the area led to the finding of an amlach in the area, details of clothing and the motorcycle with which the terrorist fled after placing the charges.

פיגוע המטענים בירושלים: המחבל התחבא במערה בחאן אל אחמר
פיגוע המטענים בירושלים: המחבל התחבא במערה בחאן אל אחמרצילום: פורום עוטף ירושלים

In addition, the terrorist’s motorcycle was hidden in a cave adjacent to Khan Al-Ahmar, a few tens of meters from the illegal outpost. The finds were located by the members of the Masking Unit after operations carried out in the field. Some of the finds were identified due to changes in the ground which indicated the burial of the items.

According to security sources, the working assumption is that many in the place knew about the presence of the motorcycle and some of the items in the space. Questioning of the Bedouins in the camp was done and there was no cooperation, one could even say concealment of information. After the efforts of an undercover unit that specializes in searches and probes, the same unit that found the three boys and the terrorists in their escape from Gilboa prison, managed to find the items despite the assistance the terrorist received.

Another source added, “The terrorist stayed there, the indications are that the residents of the Khan and the area knew about his presence there, and it is possible that they even helped him, from our acquaintance with the population, every person who passes through the area and must be staying there, immediately the Bedouins in the place know who he is and what he does, there are also A dimension of non-reporting, I believe things will be further investigated.”

We will remind you that about a year ago, following incitement publications on the Internet, complaints were filed with the police against teachers and the school in Khan in the Otaf Jerusalem forum and in the Lavi organization. The complaints against the teachers and the school came after it was revealed that the school’s official Facebook account publishes inflammatory content against the State of Israel as well as content glorifying martyrs and encouraging terrorism. “On the school’s Facebook page you can find posts, videos, posters, photos, reports and materials that incite, encourage terrorism and violence, as well as coverage of events that embody terrorism, terrorists and encourage violence and terrorism,” explained the complaint.

Another complaint to the police concerns a teacher from the school in Khan Al Ahmar. The complaint states that according to her statements on the social network, it appears that she is the sister of the convicted terrorist Raad Abu Dahar, who was involved, among other things, in the attack on the Street of the Prophets in Jerusalem in which 20 people were injured. The teacher praised Abu-Dhar in a post she wrote on Facebook and expressed support for his actions while calling him a ‘heroic prisoner’. The Lavi organization’s complaint states that as she is a teacher at the school, the value of the negative impact on the psyche of the tender children, who see her as an authoritative figure in the school who treats her positively and is seen as a criminal and murderous figure, should not be underestimated.

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