A storm at the funeral of Rabbi Shalom Cohen: the secular motorcyclist was attacked

by time news

Now with his passing many see Rabbi Shimon Adani as his natural replacement. The 94-year-old Rabbi Abdani is head of the ‘Torah and Life’ collective in Bnei Brak and a member of the Shas Party’s Council of Torah Sages. At the funeral held in Jerusalem, many thousands came to pay their last respects to the rabbi.

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Even so, there were a number of generally unpleasant villains during the funeral procession. A young motorcyclist, apparently got stuck in the crowd and was unable to get out. Suddenly, dozens of ultra-Orthodox people began to surround her, cursing, cursing and some of them even behaved violently when they pushed her just because she was a secular woman, while in the background there were shouts of “Shiksa”.

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