A study from Stanford University revealed that daily cannabis use can affect the heart

by time news

Stanford University, through a study, found that the daily consumption of marijuana can cause arterial and coronary diseases in the person.

“A growing body of evidence suggests that cannabis is not completely without harm and may actually cause cardiovascular disease,” explained the study’s lead author, Dr. Ishan Paranjpe, a resident physician at Stanford University.

The study is not yet public, this Sunday it will be presented at the meeting held every year by the American College of Cardiology.

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“Therefore, the decision to use cannabis must be carefully weighed against the potential for serious heart disease.” Paranjpe said.

Medicine explains that coronary artery disease occurs due to the buildup of plaque on the walls of the arteries that supply blood to the heart. It is also known as atherosclerosis, which is usually the most common type of heart disease.

Its main symptoms manifest from angina, weakness, dizziness, stomach upset, and breathing difficulties.

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only once a week

The study drew information from at least one million people in the United States who participated through the All of Us Research Program, administered by the National Institutes of Health, which is designed to gather information about long-term population health. .

Those who enrolled in the study had to complete a survey about their regular use of cannabis, who were classified by the research team into five categories: daily users (4,736 people), weekly users (2,720), monthly users (2,075), use once or twice in three months (8,749) and those who never used it (39,678). people). The researchers then compared those categories to the participants’ medical records a few years later.

Finding that daily cannabis users were 34% more likely to be diagnosed with coronary artery disease than those who had never used the plant; and for people who used it once a month or less, they had no significant risk, the study found.

Why does it affect the heart?

They found that it increases heart rate and blood pressure after home consumption.

“Marijuana smoke also supplies many of the same substances that researchers have found in tobacco smoke: these substances are harmful to the lungs and cardiovascular system,” explains the researcher.

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Likewise, smoking or vaping any substance, including cannabis, warns the study, generates risks to the heart, lungs and blood vessels, warns the American Heart Association.

Although the study was unable to determine its different types of cannabis use, such as consuming it in food or drink to smoking, it can make a difference in the risk of developing heart disease. As far as the investigations are concerned, the author of the study warns, it will be important to investigate these other ways of consuming cannabis silver.

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