A study identifies the cause of baby crying to improve the relationship with parents

by time news

2023-12-20 08:57:53

Updated Wednesday, December 20, 2023 – 07:57

Babies cry an average of between one and a half and three hours a day.

Image of a newborn baby crying.EMYodona Ana, Jesús and their odyssey with nine children: “With 2,000 euros you don’t make ends meet, but you don’t need to be Cristiano Ronaldo either”

Researchers of the Clinical Hospital-Idibaps of Barcelona In a study, they have classified each type of baby crying through an analysis that they believe can be an “objective and reliable” tool for parents to better understand their newborn children and improve the relationship between both parties.

The authors have attributed certain characteristics to each cry based on acoustics, electroencephalography signals, regional cerebral oxygen saturation, facial expressions and body movements, among others, the hospital reported in a statement this Tuesday.

They have analyzed a total of 38 healthy newborns without congenital anomalies or notable diseases, selected in the Clnic Barcelona Maternityand they have collected data on each baby while it cried spontaneously.

This data collection, in addition to having “significant implications” on the bond between the baby and its parents, can improve the medical care of these patients by understanding the first communicative attempt of newborns.

Babies cry for an average of between one and a half and three hours a day: the impact of crying on parents can trigger feelings of anxiety, depression, helplessness, anger and frustration, which negatively affects the emotional bond with the child. the baby

Each type of crying is characterized by different acoustic, neurophysiological and behavioral patternsFor example, hunger crying is constant, rhythmic, short-lived, intense and loud, but not high-pitched, and may elicit a variety of facial expressions and body movements intended to attract the caregiver’s attention.

On the other hand the crying of anguish It has few pauses, is erratic and sharper; and gas crying is similar to the latter, but hoarser, due to the tension exerted on the vocal cords.

He crying for sleep It is long lasting, with prolonged and monotonous cries that present a clear decadent melody, while crying for attention is very similar, although it is more similar to real crying.

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