A suggested recipe for the only woman who can handle Trump

by time news

2024-01-27 13:45:25

Undoubtedly, Donald Trump appears to have already won the hearts of the majority of Republicans ahead of the primaries. However, the woman who was once rumored to have had an affair with him, who is still resisting him is Republican Nikki Haley, the former US ambassador to the UN. What weapons does she have left?

Then, in 2018, Hailey was so upset by those rumors, started by “Fire And Fury” author Michael Wolff, that she called them “disgusting,” clarifying that “it’s not true.”

It seems that Haley had the American public convinced, but after all these years, she is called upon to convince millions of like-minded Republicans to choose her for the nomination over her former boss.

But with Republicans overwhelmingly backing Trump for the February 24 primary in the home state of Haley, South Carolina, and having recently lost more than 10% to Trump in New Hampshire, what can he do?

The man who wrote President Ronald Reagan’s speeches in the 1980s, Landon Parvin, provides the solutions to face the undisputed favorite Trump.

Speaking to the Wall Street Journal, Parvin gives some tips to Hayley, urging her to go for the big break as he sees something glorious in her fighting to the end.

Haley meeting with President Donald Trump at the White House in October 2018 (REUTERS).

“Now only you hold the banner. Speak for all the Republicans who have been humiliated, diminished and threatened by Trump. He can’t hurt you anymore. Pick up the sword” he tells her.

He urges her to play the “woman” card hard, as it has so far been underplayed by Republicans because they don’t like identity politics.

But he thinks the suburbs will appreciate it, as Trump bashes Haley as a woman, insulting the way you present yourself, calling her “cock-brained.”

“You were once in the Little Miss Bamberg, SC pageant and sang ‘This Land Is Your Land.’ This is a beautiful thing for the daughter of immigrants. Trump desecrates such images, this man who owned the Miss USA pageant and grabbed women from certain places. This is bigger than you. Speak up for Republican women,” he tells her.

He suggests that she humor but with caution, paying attention to Trump’s nature. Start, Landon says, with something like this: “Remember when Trump said he could shoot someone in the middle of Fifth Avenue and people would still vote for him? Well, if he tried to shoot someone in the middle of the street here in South Carolina, we’d be shooting back. And that’s what I intend to do today.”

“Don’t lash out in anger, just report the terrible things he says about specific individuals and larger groups. It’s not true what he’s saying, and on some level most Trump supporters know it.”

The former Reagan aide urges Haley to show the world that Trump is out of control and has no boundaries. “You mention the overnight rants of the past few days on social media. Let the public decide whether this man should return to the presidency.”

He even notes that the candidate should not fail to mention his former chiefs of staff and cabinet secretaries who say he has no business in the Oval Office.

No need for nerves and anger

Landon also advises Haley not to be strict or to stick her throat out, he remembers when he was writing Reagan’s speeches. “I would give him a certain magic sentence and he would often deliver it softly, without asking for applause. And yet he calmed down, and seemed all the stronger, all the bigger, and all the kinder for it. Don’t yell at Trump, feel sorry for him.”

Parvin also advised Haley to fight Trump’s “stereotypes” against her who is of Asian descent. “Let me talk about stereotypes, as unfair as they are, because some voters think about them,” Landon says. “You’re the Asian girl sitting at the front desk in class, raising your hand. You are smart and doing well. Trump is the blond jock who sits back telling jokes and chewing gum. Gently remove that gum from his mouth. Have fun watching him, not in a (former New Jersey governor) Chris Christie’s rambunctious way, but as someone who seems to enjoy the back-and-forth of the battle.”

Don’t be fun, but effective

Landon urges the beautiful Haley to admit that she’s not as entertaining or perhaps as exciting as Trump, that’s okay because she’s all about fighting to lead, not entertaining the crowds. “A rabid squirrel in a chemistry lab is exciting to watch but can do a lot of damage,” says Landon. “Doing the real work of the presidency in a way that really benefits the American people is exciting,” Landon says.

For him, one difference between men and women involved in politics is that men like to tell personal and emotional stories because they think it means they are sensitive. Women are more likely to fear that it will make them look weak. So maybe Haley might be wary in part because she trained as an accountant.

Finally, Landon tells Haley to lower her voice and tell an honest story. “That’s what the world wants, not the greatness of the man you’re fighting against. Nikki, it’s time to go to your core.”

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