A summit to ease tensions in the relationship between Morocco and Spain

by time news

The current crisis with Morocco began in 2021 at the hospital in The Rioja. The leader of the Polisario Front was secretly admitted there. The Government played down the importance of the matter, but, far from calming the waters, it generated the last great diplomatic crisis: Morocco withdrew its ambassador from Spain and, subsequently, 3,000 migrants they entered Spanish territory by Ceuta in the face of the passivity of the Moroccan agents.

Spain changes its position

The situation lasted for almost a year, but, in the end, in March 2022, a new phase in relations in between both countries thanks to the change of position of the Government of Pedro Sánchez on the question of the Sahara. The Spanish President made it clear that this step hinted at the “desire for a new framework of understanding and stability” and the need for “permanent communication” between Rabat and Madrid to “clarify any misunderstanding and preserve trust.”

Thus, although until then the rupture was almost complete, lThe positions began to vary both sides. However, this historical turn angered Podemos: Yolanda Díaz saw it as “a radical change”, but for Sánchez “there is no turn, there is no swerve, there is one more step”.

“new journey”

Everything indicates that the reconciliation. According to Sánchez, it is “a new journey”, which was staged in the trip that Sánchez made in April to Morocco. However, in June, the tragedy at the Melilla fence once again strained the relationship. On that occasion, to alleviate the tension, Sánchez endorsed the performance of Morocco – “it is well resolved” -.

In addition, the PSOE voted against the resolution that asks Morocco to respect human rights. Because the Government has a final objective: the Summit – the same one that Podemos refuses to attend.

Mohamed VI refuses to meet Sánchez

This is the first summit between Morocco and Spain in eight years. To do this, Pedro Sánchez has traveled this Wednesday to the neighboring country, where he will chair the XII High Level Meeting (RAN) together with Aziz Ajanuch. The trip was made accompanied by 11 ministers of the socialist wing, among which José Manuel Albares stands out. The Minister of Foreign Affairs has been in charge of explaining the reason why King Mohamed VI has not personally received Sánchez and has preferred to call him on the phone.

Firstly, the person in charge of Foreign Affairs, the European Union and Cooperation has put aside the journalists’ question about ‘the non-meeting’ of the highest representative of Morocco with Sánchez, although he has subsequently clarified that the Spanish president knew that the monarch was not in the country, so they had previously agreed to that telephone conversation. Something that demonstrates the “prior and personal involvement” of the Moroccan king towards Spain.

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