A supplement derived from barley malt helps breastfeeding – Health and Wellbeing

by times news cr

(ANSA) – ROME, SEPTEMBER 30 – Breastfeeding has numerous benefits for mother and child. However, about 15% of mothers have low milk production, and 40% cite concerns about the amount produced as a reason to stop breastfeeding. Help comes from a supplement based on beta-glucans from barley malt which contributes to the natural production of milk.
“For newborns, breast milk – explains Arturo Giustardi, pediatrician neonatologist and president of Aicip (Italian Society for Care in Perinatology) – provides immune protection against various infections thanks to the white blood cells and antibodies contained. The American Academy of Pediatrics defines it as a ‘living liquid’ which not only defends the child from infections, but also reduces the risk of asthma up to six years of age, if breastfeeding is prolonged for at least four months.”
Among the possible causes of poor production, there are some medical conditions of the mother, such as hormonal problems, as well as cesarean section and preterm birth. But the main factor that affects milk production is determined by the frequency and effectiveness of feedings.
Alongside the right practices recommended by experts to encourage attachment, the first supplement with a formulation based on barley malt, a cereal rich in beta-glucans which naturally stimulate the production of breast milk, is available in pharmacies. Furthermore, it contains dried lemon balm leaves, known for its calming action, useful when stress interferes with the start of breastfeeding.
The efficacy and safety were confirmed by a clinical trial conducted by the Medical University of Warsaw, in collaboration with two Neonatal Intensive Care Units. The study, randomized, placebo-controlled and conducted in double blind, involved 117 mothers of preterm newborns. At the end of the trial, compared to the placebo group, the mothers who received the galactagogue composition produced approximately 43% more milk during the fourteenth day of lactation. (HANDLE).

2024-10-02 00:49:32

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