A terrible tragedy: a 32-year-old calf died of the disease

by time news

Habarach Hatzair Rabbi Yehoshua Zelig Nathanzon, late of the graduates of Yeshiva Kol Torah in Jerusalem, passed away on Saturday morning at the age of 32, after the serious illness that had plagued his body in recent times. His funeral will take place tonight

Baruch Dayan the Truth: On Saturday morning, the important Rabbi Yehoshua Zelig Natanzon of Beit Shemesh passed away after the serious illness that plagued his body and he was only 32 years old at the time of his death.

The late deceased was born in 2007 in the Givat Shaul neighborhood of Jerusalem to his father, Rabbi HaGaon Rabbi Yitzchak Shalita, who is one of the scholars of the students of the sages at the Mir Yeshiva in Jerusalem, and to his mother, Mrs. Farha Shethai, a veteran insurance agent in Jerusalem.

By choice, he studied and acquired his Torah at the ‘Kol Torah’ yeshiva in the Beit Vagan neighborhood in Jerusalem, where he was one of the most important young men and a favorite of his fellow leaders of the yeshiva. He was a special and active figure among the students of the yeshiva.

When he arrived at the chapter, the man of Mkadesh married his wife, Shethai’, to the house of the Chulin family.

After his marriage, he lived in the Ramot neighborhood of Jerusalem and for the last year and a half in the city of Beit Shemesh, he studied in the Kollel of Rabbi Veg, and was one of the most important of the Avrach who studied the Torah.

Unfortunately he fell ill with the terrible disease and was a great sufferer who endured his suffering with love and compassion.

His acquaintances tell ‘Bachderi Haredim’ about Avrach Tzadik, who was holy and pure, on the last Yom Kippur he still made the confession of his last strength and besides his great suffering he took care of his wife and children.

He left behind his parents, his brothers and sisters, his wife Shathai’ and four small orphan children who were left without a father.

His funeral tonight (Holy Shabbat evening, the night of Hosanna Raba) at 12:30 in Beit Chaim in Beit Shemesh, Yeatman.

May his soul be bundled in the bundle of life.

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