A torch at the UN: a two-state solution for two peoples and a call to the world to put a military option before the Iranians

by time news

A two-state solution for two peoples and a call to the world to place before the Iranians a credible military option and only after that to conduct negotiations to prevent nuclear weapons from Iran. These are the two main assertions in Prime Minister Yair Lapid’s speech last night at the UN General Assembly in New York.

Lapid on the Palestinian issue: We strive for peace with the Palestinians that will be based on two states for two peoples. This is true for the future of our children and our economy. This is our brave decision. This is not a weakness.

Peace is the victory of good. But there is one condition: that the Palestinian state be peace-loving, and not a terrorist base. that we will be able to protect the security of all Israelis. This is not an excessive demand.

Lapid’s words about the solution of the two policies even before he spoke in New York provoked criticism and agreement in Israel: on the right they argued that the prime minister of a transition government is not allowed to commit to the solution of the conflict, while on the left they welcomed his words.

A torch on Iran: Israeli and American flags are being burned in Iran. Make the flags to burn them. It is a regime whose occupation is hatred, including their own people. A regime that persecutes LGBT people, hates the West, the USA, Israel, Salman Rushdie, hates everyone.

Lapid in an appeal to the UN members: Iran is the only UN member state that expresses a desire to destroy another UN member state, and the UN is silent. What are you afraid of?, Silence does not stop hatred and terror.

Later, the Prime Minister came to the subject of the Iranian nuclear program: it is a murderous dictatorship that wants nuclear weapons. If they get a nuclear weapon – they will use it. The only way is to put a military threat on the table and only then discuss an agreement.

If Iran moves forward with the nuclear program, the world must respond not with words but with a military threat. The world chooses not to believe the worst, but Israel has no such privilege. We are not helpless, we have an army, we have a partner, the USA. We will do everything so that Iran does not have a nuclear weapon.

Lapid on threats to Israel: There are two threats to Israel: the first is a nuclear threat. Fear that terrorist organizations will obtain nuclear weapons. And the second – a tremendous system of lies, fake news, organizations and countries that slander and attack, attacks of lies against Israel. Spreading disinformation.

Lapid gave an example: in May it was announced that a three-year-old Palestinian girl was killed along with her parents by the Israeli Air Force. But this girl does not exist. The photo was taken from Instagram, this is a girl in Russia.

Fake news of anti-Israel movements. Israel is not a guest at the UN, it is a member of the UN, we will not be silent when anti-Semitic lies are spread about us. The one who wins over the hate orchestra is Iran.

Lapid on the Gaza issue: We left our settlements in the Gaza Strip 17 years ago. We were allowed 3,000 flowering greenhouses there. what did they do? Hamas came to power, destroyed the greenhouses and turned them into bases for launching rockets and missiles. 20 thousand rockets have been fired at us since we left the Strip.

We are ready to help the residents of Gaza build their economy. But on condition – stop firing missiles. Put down the weapon. We will not agree that Hamas and Jihad rule the Palestinian state that you want.

Lapid mentioned the issue of captives and the missing and called for their release.

At the end of his speech, the Prime Minister said: Our security is guaranteed by our military power, our economy and democracy. We are interested in peace with our neighbors. We are here to stay forever. Our hand is extended for peace, from Sadiya to Indonesia. We proved our desire for peace in peace treaties with Egypt and Jordan, the Abrahamic agreements.

Israel is the only country in the world that was born from a book of the Bible. A verse tells in the desert: “God will lift up his face to you and give you peace.” This is how peace will be made in the future.

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