A treasure hunt in history: the MARTA initiative for Halloween

by time news

twelve o’clock, October 27, 2021 – 3:34 pm

The Tarantino museum will open its doors for free to children aged 5 to 11 for December 31st

Halloween in the halls of MARTA. “On All Saints’ Eve, leave pumpkins at home and ‘trick or treat’ and try to give your children the experience of an original and engaging day with a treasure hunt inside the museum’s exhibition rooms”. The director Eva Degl’Innocenti announces the day dedicated to the little ones. this experience.

A treasure hunt in the Museum

“A unique way – says the director – to meet the monstrous creatures of the myth and discover their history through the finds in the Museum and with a game that is one of the most loved by children. Riddles, clues and mysteries will lead them to know the close link between them and their ancestors ”. There will be two moments of the day dedicated to treasure hunting, 9.30 and 11.30, and the whole will last one hour. Children aged 5 to 11 will enter for free, while adults will be able to buy tickets to visit the MARTA while their children will be immersed in the activity, among skeletons, vases, statues and mysteries.

27 October 2021 | 15:34

© Time.News

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