A trend or a sign of things to come: Amit Segal explains the latest survey

by time news

8 days until the elections. A new survey published this evening (Monday) on News 12 and conducted by the Sample Institute shows no change among the groups since the previous survey from the channel’s conference of influencers held last Thursday. The Netanyahu bloc with 60 mandates versus the Lapid bloc and the Arabs with 56 mandates. In the new poll, Likud received 32 mandates, an increase of one mandate, while religious Zionism, on the other hand, lost a mandate and dropped to 13.

Amit Segal wrote this evening that for the first time since May, Likud chairman Benjamin Netanyahu is gaining strength at the expense of religious Zionist leader Bezalel Smotrich and Otzma Yehudit chairman Itamar Ben Gabir, and not the other way around. Segal explained that it is possible that the loss of the mandate came as a result of the publication of last night’s recordings in which Smotrich spoke harshly against Netanyahu. In the next survey we will know whether it is a trend or a single survey.

Survey of mandates of Channel 12 and the Sample Institute (Mano Geva):

Likud – 32, Yesh Atid – 24, Religious Zionism – 13, The State Camp – 13, Shas – 8, Torah Judaism – 7, Yisrael Beytenu – 5, Havoda – 5, Meretz – 5, Ream – 4, Had “Q-Ta’al- 4.

Below the blocking percentage:

Balad – 2%, the Jewish Home – 1.8%, Free Israel – 1.4%.


Netanyahu bloc – 60 mandates
Gush Lapid and Arabs – 56 mandates.

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