A turnaround in Israeli football: Shino Zoertz was elected chairman of the Football Association

by time news

Shino Zoertz was re-elected to the position of chairman of the Football Association. In the elections held today (Tuesday), Zoertz won with 18 board members – 12 on his independent list and 6 more from Avi Luzon’s Maccabi Center, while the outgoing chairman Oren Hasson with 11 members from the Hapoel Center. Zoertz’s coalition consists of his independent list (which also includes Moran Meiri and Sharon Nisanov) and the Maccabi Center list, led by Avi Luzon.

The 50-year-old Zoertz, who is supported by the Maccabi Center and Mavi Luzon, was previously the chairman of Maccabi Petah Tikva. He was appointed as chairman of the association on October 4, 2018 and submitted his resignation within a few months. The board members voted unanimously for Zoertz, after Hasson requested members of his faction to do so.

Hasson’s petition against his candidacy was rejected, and Hasson, who served as chairman of the association since 2019, ends his position. The elections were held today at the Shafim Hotel, and all 217 eligible voters voted in the ballot box, 100%. There were claims of huge queues at the polling stations that were open between 16:00 and 19:30.

In Zoertz’s strategic plan, it is claimed that he intends to reform the legal system of the soccer association and limit the terms of office of the association’s legal advisor and prosecutor, upgrade the training facilities in all leagues and the minister between the fans and the national team.

They will serve in the management of the association:

Zoertz’s list: Shino Zoertz, Mohammad Mahajana, Sharon Nisanov, Keren Ben Nesher, Shimon Maimon, Shai Aharon, Kafir Adri, Moran Meiri, Dalit Zimmerman, Orit Raz, Einav Rosenwald, Gil Lev.

Hapoel Center (robust list): Oren Hasson, Alona Barkat, Muhammad Abu Younes, Yossi Adri, Raz Kinstlich, Michael Weissman, Abed Titi, Merav Sharet, Shaul Schneider, Michal Reuven and Avihai Yahya.

Maccabi Center (Avi Luzon’s list): Avi Luzon, Bassem Suleiman, Liron Cohen, Eran Amin Cohen, Yaakov Glam, Tamer Nofi.

Zoartz, the elected chairman, commented: “Thank you very much for the support you gave me today, a great privilege. I am humbled by your trust and confidence in me. I must share that I am excited, it is not obvious to receive such extensive support and to be at the head of an industry that I love so much and have been connected to since childhood. Thanks to my friends on the list, from now on we work for everyone. I pledge to be the chairman of everyone’s association and to do everything to promote Israeli football. This is a huge commitment, I’m ready to start tomorrow morning.”

“29 board members were elected here, all of them worthy partners on the way and all of them will have a part in the development of Israeli football and its march to the rightful place. I want to thank Oren Hasson for his work for the benefit of Israeli football in recent years, during which he was the chairman of the football association. Thank you to all the activists and those who stood by me, I believe It is necessary to join forces and work together. We worked together, we succeeded together and we achieved the goal we have been working on for the past few months. We are embarking on a common path, I believe we will start and in the end we will reap the fruits. Success belongs to all of us, Israeli football belongs to all of us. Thank you to everyone.”

Erez Kalphon, the chairman of the board, congratulated the incoming chairman: “They changed a football player in Ramah and I am sure that he will bring his extensive experience to improve the state of the association. The directorate of the soccer leagues will continue to financially support the association and the fruitful cooperation with it to promote Israeli soccer.”

The method:
There are 217 clubs and 1,227 votes. Each club votes once, with Premier and National League teams receiving 20 each, League A teams 10, League B 2 and League C receiving one vote each. Women’s Premier League teams will receive 15, 11 or 10 votes, while national teams will receive 2 votes each.

The list of Shino Zoertz (independent) – 12 entered: Shino Zoertz, Moran Meiri, Sharon Nisanov, Keren Ben Nesher, Shimon Maimon, Shai Aharon, Kafir Adri, Mohammad Mahajana, Dalit Zimmerman, Orit Raz, Einav Rosenwald, Gil Lev, Roy Alankva, Yaron Geria, Irit Abrahami, Alon Farkash , Shimon Perry, Gil Baram, Tim Plotkin, Yifat Cohen, Kinneret Aharoni, Sarah Heftel, Lori Tanenblatt.

Oren Hasson’s list (Hapoel center) – 11 entered: Oren Hasson, Alona Barkat, Muhammad Abu Younes, Moshe Demayo, Yossi Adri, Raz Kinslich, Michael Hanan Weissman, Abed Titi, Merav Sharett, Shaul Schneider, Michal Reuven, Avihai Yahya, Yaniv Noah, Avi Kaufman, Dodi Gil, Shirley Ohana, Or Kopel, Iris Nefalti and Kern Salem.

Avi Luzon’s list (Maccabi center, supporter of Zoertz) – 6 entered: Avi Luzon, Bassem Suleiman, Liron Cohen, Eran Amin Cohen, Yaakov Glam, Tamer Nofi, Ramzi Badir, Manny Yasso, Ariel Avraham, Shiri Gold, Ahmed Hilo, Farah Hikli, Orit Cooper, Maher Hamed, Uri Hikli, Dana Shabtai, Tali Peretz, Ilan Kenpo.

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