A UFO expert revealed: “This is all I know about aliens – and they exist”

by time news

Malcolm Robinson is one of the leading extraterrestrial experts in Britain and has written more than ten books on the subject, having investigated quite a few incidents linked to extraterrestrials over the past decades. Although according to him, most of the sightings had a fairly simple explanation, Robinson claimed that there are still many that he has yet to decipher.

In an interview with the “Daily Star”, he said: “Although it is possible to decipher what a large part of the UFOs are, there are only a few that are still with us before the question mark. This is a small percentage that I and my colleagues from around the world are trying to solve. What is certain – is that the UFO mystery is real, very real, it has been with us all this time. We can see it in the Renaissance paintings and old cave paintings, these strange shapes and beings.” When asked what aliens might want from us, humans, Robinson replied: “They have their own plan, we can’t know, just speculate. I wouldn’t guarantee that they come ‘good’ because of UFO abductions that have happened around the world.”

The renowned researcher was drawn into the world of UFOs when he was 20, when he tried to prove that all the sightings were all fabrications – and failed. “I started debunking these issues because I was sure aliens didn’t exist,” he explained. “I was wrong.” Since then, he has started lecturing in Britain, Europe and America, discussing his theories with the likes of Amanda Holden and Steven Spielberg. Later, he founded Scotland’s oldest UFO and Paranormal Society, Strange Phenomena Investigations, in 1979.

When asked what he thought aliens looked like, Robinson said the most common reported sightings were no different from the kind of creatures we’re used to seeing in movies and on television. “These are creatures the size of small children with transparent blue-gray skin, large pear-shaped heads with black eyes. There is no sign of genitalia. These figures are the entities seen in close proximity to UFOs.”

His many years of investigation led him to unravel a number of dramatic incidents, including the first alien abduction that occurred on August 17, 1992 in which two Edinburgh residents, Gary Wood and Colin Wright, were abducted. Writing about the incident in one of his best-selling books, Robinson described: “The two were subjected to an amazing and terrifying experience that accompanies them to this day. They were driving on Route 70A, described as a ‘desolate stretch of road’ when they stopped in front of ‘a double-layered disc-shaped object that looked decidedly not In its place, which hovers about 20 meters above the surface of the road.”

After a few days, the couple realized that he had lost his memory and began to suffer from headaches. After a short period of time, the expert became involved, investigated the case and referred the two to hypnosis to better understand what happened that night. “The hypnotherapist, Helen Walters, is a very good friend of mine and took the treatment of Gary and Colin very seriously,” he wrote.

exist or not? (Photo: ingimage ASAP)

Under hypnosis, they recalled seeing “three small entities that took them into the flying worn object and held them there for a period of time.” Robinson concluded: “Both are left terrified by what happened to them. Their lives may have changed but they are the same people they were, albeit with a different perspective on life.”

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