A vertiginous increase in chloride and sodium was recorded in OSE water

by time news

2023-07-08 00:32:50

In a statement issued by the Presidency of the Republic, the average levels of chloride and sodium present in the water supplied by OSE in Montevideo and the metropolitan area were revealed. These data are provided daily by OR and the Ministry of Public Health (MSP), in order to inform the population about the quality of the water they consume.

As regards the chloridesthe report details that an average of 873 mg/L in pumping line 4, 785 mg/L on line 5 and 871 mg/L on line 6. It should be noted that the maximum allowable chloride limit, established by the MSP after the increase request submitted by OSE, is 720 mg/L. Therefore, all lines exceeded the established limits.

Sodium recorded an average of 516 mg/L in pumping line 4, 468 mg/L on line 5 and 515 mg/L on line 6. The maximum allowable sodium limit is 440 mg/Lindicating that, as with chlorides, established limits were exceeded in all water supply lines.

According to the report, the total consumption of water supplied by OSE in Montevideo and the metropolitan area in the 24 hours prior to the measurement was 493.712 m³ (cubic meters). These data are important for understanding the population’s demand for water and evaluating the supply capacity of the system.

Reserves increased in Paso Severino, but we are still in a drought

About the water reserve in Paso Severino, an increase was observed for the second time in recent days due to recently recorded rainfall. Yesterday, the reserve had 1,134,484 m3 of water, while the current measurement recorded 1,288,449 m3.

Although this increase is encouraging, the authorities will continue to monitor the situation, since the reserve is still showing record low levels.

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#vertiginous #increase #chloride #sodium #recorded #OSE #water

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