A virtual exhibition for Fr Giussani one hundred years after his birth – time.news

by time news

The initiative for the anniversary of the founder of the Movement, who passed away in 2005. A journey between the priest’s thought and his inheritance edited by the Fraternity of Communion and Liberation

The religious sense defines the ego as the sensational, indestructible, substantial need to affirm the meaning of everything. the voice of Don Luigi Giussani to accompany the visitor in one of the rooms of the virtual exhibition 1922-2022. Centenary of the birth. Luigi Giussani dedicated to him (accessible here). Made to remember the figure, the thought and the work of the priest, born in Desio on October 15, 1922 and died in Milan on February 22, 2005, who was a professor of moral theology at the Catholic University of Milan and founder of the Movement of Communion and Liberation, the exhibition tells Fr Giussani in words, works, music, images , testimonials and through audio and video content, including unpublished ones.

Curated by the Fraternity of Communion and Liberation with the coordination of Roberto Fontolan and Michele Borghi and designed by the architect and designer Dario Curatolo, the virtual exhibition currently available in Italian and English, soon also in Spanish, Portuguese, French and German; for iOS, Android, Oculus Quest 2 operating systems). The idea behind the creation of a permanent and open space in which to meet and get to know Fr Giussani. To welcome the virtual visitor at the opening of the path Davide Prosperi, president of the Fraternity of Communion and Liberationwhich he remembers as his testimony entrusted to all those who continue to find inspiration there for their own life.

In the first room the personal contributions of the Church, culture and society recount the legacy of Fr Giussani: here it is possible to listen to Cardinal Angelo Scola, the journalist Monica Maggioni, the conductor Francesco Facchinetti and Cleuza Ramos of the Associacao dos Trabalhadores Sem Terra, and again Cardinal Marc Ouellet, prefect of the Congregation for Bishops, Wael Farouq of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, and many others. They are also proposed the interventions of the last three Popes: John Paul II (September 12, 1985), Benedict XVI (March 24, 2007) and Pope Francis (March 7, 2015). The second room explores the theme of The Christian Proposal with audiovisual contributions: Fr Giussani’s interventions that make explicit how he made that proposal his own, relaunching it to young people and all those he met. The third room is dedicated to The Gospel story: we find the original way in which the religious commented on the Gospels in particular here the figures of Mary, John, Zacchaeus and Peter.

The fourth and last room dedicated to The religious sense to which reference was made at the beginning and which was the heart of his teaching of morals at the Catholic University and of his theological elaboration. Suppose you come out of your mother’s womb at the age of now. What would be the first, the absolutely first feeling in the face of reality? This is how he provoked his pupils first at the Berchet high school and then at the Cattolica and this is how today’s visitor feels called to reflect.

The different environments of the virtual exhibition refer to the world of Fr Giussani: with images of the interiors and objects of his home; with moments of his travels and pilgrimages (such as the one in the Holy Land in 1986); and again with the works of art and artists who influenced him, the texts and authors he explored and who were decisive encounters for him. From the Phaedo of Plato to the Leopardi del Song of a wandering shepherd from Asia. Finally, the music that accompanies the journey is also those loved by the priest. The virtual exhibition ends in the room from which it started and where the visitor meets don Julin Carrn, president of the Fraternity of Communion and Liberation from 2005 to 2021, who in a video states among other things: What captured me by Fr Giussani […] it was the offer of a way to reach what had fascinated me.

July 19, 2022 (change July 19, 2022 | 14:27)

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