A Vizsla was found in a heartbreaking condition, it almost died, so neglected by its owner 2024-08-03 12:05:55

by time news

According to a story on the Facebook page of the Gerecse és Környéke Foundation for the Animals, they received a notification that a Vizsla was found in Piliscsév, in a very bad condition, writes the kemma.hu.

At the scene, a young man was sitting in the garden, who first claimed that the dog belonged to his mother, and then, when asked about the animal, he answered the animal protectionists that if they gave him forty thousand forints, he would take the animal to the doctor. Then it turned out

the animal has never been to a veterinarian, so it has not received the mandatory shots and vaccinations. In the end, the people on the scene gave up on the animal, but the fans promised to file a complaint for animal cruelty. At the end of the rescue, it turned out that the animal actually belonged to the young man.

The fans fed the dog in the car – which, contrary to the claims of its “owner”, was very hungry – and then asked for help with the animal’s breed, so it went to the Vizslamentés team, who had already posted about the unfortunate animal. The Vizsla, whose ribs are clearly visible, received the name Helena from them. On the one hand, because on this name day she was freed from unworthy circumstances, and on the other hand, because they hope that she will soon become Szép Heléna.

You can also support the rescuers of the Vizsla

Although Vizslamentés has financial problems, they did not say no to the Vizsla, who was taken to a temporary shelter and veterinary treatment began. You can also support the rescuers and the fans, the contact details can be found on their Facebook pages. By the way, the fans did not rescue Piliscsév for the first time, in 2021, for example, together with several animal protection organizations, they confiscated dogs kept in terrible conditions from a breeder.

2024-08-03 12:05:55

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