A woman beaten by the police during a mobilization in Paris?

by time news

The French express their support for the Iranian people and pay a high price, according to Internet users. Following a demonstration held near the Iranian embassy in Paris on September 25, several images of a woman with a bloody face circulated. “This is what the police do to French citizens who dare to show their support for a repressed people”, writes a user.

To affirm this, several people quote an article from the Insoumission site, which titles: “Iran: the demonstration of support for Paris violently repressed by the Police, the images of shame. And for illustration, the face of a woman marked by blood.

These demonstrators were gathered to support the Iranian people and the protest movement born in the country since the death of Mahsa Amini on September 16. The 22-year-old had been arrested by the morality police for “wearing inappropriate clothing” because she was wearing her veil incorrectly. More than 75 citizens have since been killed in Iran, according to the Oslo-based NGO Iran Human Rights.


In reality, it was not beatings by the police that put the demonstrator in this state. This accusation also made a stain knowing that Paris condemned the violence perpetrated in recent days during demonstrations in Iran.

More precisely, if one is not content to read only the title of the article published on the L’Insoumission site, supposed police violence is not mentioned anywhere. It is certainly a shortcut made and relayed by some Internet users.

It was the outfit worn by the demonstrator to denounce the violence. She is visible on several videos of the mobilization, with red streaks on her face and bloody hand stains on her white tunic. This woman carried a sign on which was written: “Here is the image of my people. Carry the voice of Iranians. “Illustration with the video of journalist Remy Buisine, above, in which she is visible in the front row facing the police.

Note that this demonstration of September 25 did not go smoothly. The procession was originally supposed to reach the Iranian embassy, ​​but it was stopped by the security forces, who used tear gas.

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