A woman who has lost 18 kg naturally is eager for advice: she eats a cheap vegetable every day

by times news cr

In the past, she tried many drastic diets, but nothing helped. Now living in New Zealand, Chelsea is happy that it’s been 3 years and the pounds have not returned.

“I’ve been trying to lose weight for about 10 years without success,” – began the woman in a video posted on her YouTube channel.

She admitted that she felt like a loser. During the New Year, he kept promising himself to lose weight, but he never achieved his goal.

Now Chelsea has singled out 6 tricks that helped her lose weight effectively.

Trick #1 – Set less ambitious goals

The woman emphasized that it is useful to set easily achievable goals. Then losing weight becomes a joy instead of a pain.

Of course, an ambitious goal may be looming far on the horizon, but it is better to break everything down into small steps. If you follow this tactic, you will accumulate small victories and the process of losing weight will be enjoyable.

Trick 2 – Combining activities

According to Chelsea, a new habit must be linked to an existing one. This method helps to smoothly integrate new activities into everyday life.

For example, a woman combined reading books and sports – she enjoys a good novel on the treadmill.

Trick #3 – Motivate yourself

Chelsea’s source of income is videos on YouTube. In order not to lack motivation to create new content, the woman has set a penalty for herself: if she does not upload a new video to the Internet in a week, she donates $100 to a charity that she does not like.

She suggests applying this tactic to weight loss as well. Find a personal trainer or friend to motivate you.

Chelsea suggested making a public commitment to exercise on a specific day or challenging yourself by signing up for a run.

Trick 4 – Eat potatoes

The woman advised her to include more potatoes and sweet potatoes in her diet. Starchy vegetables are filling and can stave off the urge to snack.

In fact, Chelsea admitted that she absolutely loves potatoes, including them in every meal.

Trick #5 is to celebrate progress

The woman emphasized how important it is to celebrate progress and focus on the positive side. For example, if your goal is to go to the gym five times, be happy about that and don’t beat yourself up if you don’t get the results you hoped for.

Trick 6 – Don’t give in to impulses

Chelsea explained that you need to recognize the gap between how you feel and how you react to situations. If, for example, you feel like you don’t want to go to the gym, it’s normal for you to decide to stay home.

But she emphasized the importance of recognizing that you can control your actions and develop healthier habits. After all, you can force yourself to go to the gym even when you’re not in the mood.

Prepared according to “Express.co.uk” information.

2024-08-27 03:41:12

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