A workers’ compensation agreement was signed following Operation Guardian of the Walls

by time news

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The Histadrut, the Ministry of Finance and the presidency of the business sector have signed agreements regulating the payment of wages to workers up to 80 km from the Strip, who were absent from work in light of the operation that took place last May.

The Histadrut, the Ministry of Finance and the presidency of the business sector have signed agreements regulating the payment of wages by employers to employees who were absent from work following Operation The Wall Guard last May and the indemnification of employers for this, by the state.

Pursuant to the Property Tax and Compensation Fund Regulations, the wage payment will be given to employees who are absent from work due to Home Front Command instructions or due to the need to supervise their children due to the closure of educational institutions in accordance with restrictions imposed between 10 and 21 May 2021.

The agreements will apply to workers within a range of 80-0 km from the perimeter fence that surrounds the Gaza Strip, who did not come to work due to Home Front Command restrictions on educational and business activities during the operation period.

The collective agreements entitle workers who were absent from work due to the security situation, and parents who were absent for the purpose of supervising children to compensation, similar to the compensation mechanism during Operation Resilient Cliff.

These will be entitled to a wage payment from the employer even without the declaration that the child is enrolled in an educational institution. The payment of wages or credit of the quota of vacation days in respect of working days during which they are absent will be transferred to public sector employees in the January 2022 salary paid in early February, and no later than the February salary paid in early March.

The salary to be paid will be as specified in a circular to be published by the Commissioner of Wages and Employment Agreements in the Ministry of Finance, in accordance with the principles of the agreement signed.

In the private sector, daily wages would have been paid if the employee had worked normally and subject to the ceiling, and in return, employers would receive indemnity from the state in accordance with the regulations.

The validity of the agreement in the private sector is conditional on an extension order, and the payments according to it will be made on the date of payment of the salary for the month following the month in which the extension order is issued for this agreement.

It should be noted that similar to the compensation mechanism of Operation Resilient Cliff, the agreement signed also includes a clause dealing with parental rights for children with special needs. Any employee who is a parent or guardian of a person with a disability will be entitled to compensation to the extent that he is absent from work for the purpose of supervising the child, even in cases where the child is over 14 years of age.

Histadrut Chairman Arnon Bar-David: “Already during the operation, when the consequences of the serious security situation became clear – I worked to include in the future compensation mechanism also workers and workers who are not in the immediate range of the Gaza Strip.

The agreements will help all those who have had to stop their routine and occupation, and they will compensate them for the difficult days when Israel was subjected to a severe missile attack.

I would like to thank all the parties who have understood the importance of applying this compensation mechanism that will benefit many. The Histadrut is working and will continue to operate – in emergencies and routines for the workers who are the beating heart of society and the economy in Israel. ”

Chairman of the presidency of the business sector, Dovi Amitai: “Employers will receive full indemnification from the state beyond localities close to the Gaza Strip and up to 80 km.

“We are happy that we succeeded in partnering and understanding to bring the state to recognition of its responsibility for the fabric of labor relations and to ensure the obligation of employers to indemnify for expenses incurred by them, due to the security situation and state decisions.”

The agreement was accompanied on behalf of the Histadrut by Maof Histadrut Chairman Gil Bar-Tal, Chairman of the Legal Bureau in the Trade Union Division, Adv. Hanna Schnitzer, Head of the Merhavim Division in the Trade Union Division, Adv.

Economics Division: Adam Blumenberg, Vice President of the Division and Head of the Macro and Policy Policy at Hila Shinok.

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