A year and a half after the attack: Baniya Peretz arrived at Yosef’s tomb

by time news

Thousands of people entered Joseph’s tomb tonight to pray. Among those who came in was also someone who was very seriously injured in the attack at the Taphut intersection a year and a half ago – her son Peretz, and the doctors did not give him a chance to ever move his body parts.

But tonight, against all odds, her son arrived together with his father and the head of the Samaria Council, Yossi Dagan, who has been accompanying her son and his family since the attack, the deputy head of the Samaria Council, David Ben Zion, the head of the High Yeshiva in Itamar, Yehsha Van Dyck, where her son studied at the time of the attack, the Samaria Brigade, Col. Shimon Siso, the GMR officer Major Azriel Perlman, the commander of the IOS division Brigadier General Avi Belot, the final officer of the division Elizur Trabalsi as well as the designated member of the Knesset Zvi Sukot.

Her son was a student of the high yeshiva in Itamar when he was waiting with his friends, including Yehuda Guetta 14, for the bus to the yeshiva, but then a terrorist arrived, opened fire, seriously wounded her son and killed Yehuda.

Her son, a resident of Beit Shan, arrived in a wheelchair, and the large crowd that came to pray there was moved to see him able to move his hands.

The head of the Samaria Council Yossi Dagan said: “Seeing her son leave home, return to Samaria, his second home, after he fought against all odds and continues to fight so that he can walk, is an exciting thing not only for us but for all the residents of the State of Israel. We pray that he will return to walk And demand, together with his father, to return the students of the Beit Midrash in memory of his friend Yehuda Gawata to Abitar. To keep the promise. Even in a week when an attack follows an attack, we will continue to raise our heads, be strong and not break in the face of the murderous enemy who wants to remove us from our homeland.”

The victim of the attack, Benya Peretz, said excitedly at the grave: “Even Yosef the righteous, even though he was in prison in Egypt, he did not stop believing. I came here, to draw strength from Yosef the righteous, to believe and not give up, and in the future to get back on my feet.”

Ofer Peretz, her son’s father: “I feel like I am in a dream that is coming true, I go back many years when my son was small, with the big kippa, sitting at the Shabbat table and we roar this song, “And I gave you one shekel for your brother”, with my sons And the girls, and I always had a dream to get to Joseph’s tomb with everyone together and roar it, shout it to the heavens because this is the nation of Israel. Jacob asked Joseph and marry me from the land of Egypt, take me out of Egypt, this is the claim of her sons, to the righteous Joseph, take me out of Egypt, from the Egypt that I am We are in them. There is a strong message from here, to read a map to the government, to return to Avitar, to establish this settlement, and to perpetuate the memory of Yehuda Gevata, the holy friend of her sons.”

Yehshe Van Dijk, the head of the higher Yeshiva in Itamar, where her son studied: “Banya Ba’a out of all this, you will stand up and be on your feet, all the sick will be healed, as it was at Mount Sinai, so it will be in the near deliverance in our days, Amen.”

Dagan thanked the volunteers of the Directorate of Yosef’s Tomb and the Holy Places of the Samaria Regional Council, the Samaria Brigadier Colonel Shimon Siso, the GMR officer Major Azriel Perlman and the security forces who escorted the entrance.

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