Abascal floods his rallies with insults to Sánchez, Díaz and the ministers of United We Can

by time news

2023-07-18 22:14:49

Just three months ago, during the motion of censure that Vox presented in Congress against the PSOE government and Podemos, Pedro Sánchez urged Santiago Abascal to “ask for forgiveness” and withdraw the insults that a few days earlier, during an act in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, had launched against Irene Montero and Ione Belarra, whom he accused of making “apology for pedophilia” for having promoted the “criminal law” of ‘only yes is yes’, “a law made by some crazy women who They are in the Council of Ministers,” he said. The far-right leader, who complains that there is “a campaign against Vox”, not only did not apologize, but he increased his attacks on the two Podemos leaders in all his interventions in Congress. Not just against them. Also against Pedro Sánchez himself and his vice president and Minister of Labor, Yolanda Díaz, now leader of Sumar.

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With the pre-campaign and the electoral campaign of 23J coming, Abascal has found the perfect scenario to continue launching at his own free will all kinds of disqualifications and serious insults against Sánchez and the leaders of Podemos, whom he has made the favorite target of all his interventions that he seasons with his harsh and lackadaisical tone. “Autocrat”, “liar”, “cheater”, “illegitimate” or “public danger” (to Sánchez). “Undocumented”, “very dangerous lady”, “daggers” (to Yolanda Díaz) and “lunatics”, “crazy” “psychopaths” (to Montero and Belarra), are the main insults that the leader of the extreme right is launching in almost all his electoral rallies, unleashing the fervor of his followers.

Day after day, Abascal has repeated wherever he goes that Sánchez is “the leader of the pack”, he has affirmed that he is a “liar” and a “cheater” who has deceived the Spanish, which is why “a president illegitimate” who should be “disabled” along with all his ministers. In addition, he has accused him of being a “criminal” and of having deliberately “ruined” the country with his “progressive” policies of the 2030 Agenda and “all the legislative crap from the left” that he promises to abolish. In its whole.

One of the events in which Abascal was especially intense took place on July 6 in the Ejido (Almería). There, the far-right leader launched all his heavy artillery against the ministers of the Sánchez government: “Those lunatics who say that children are not owned by anyone, that they are people who deserve respect for their human rights… but parents and the mothers who have brought them into the world want the best for them and we are the ones who are going to decide what their education is without allowing any three-for-a-room politician to take away the most precious thing we have”.

Díaz, “a very dangerous lady”

Criticism rose in tone when referring to the ‘only yes is yes’ law and its “perverse effects”. “The leader of the pack, Pedro Sánchez, and his accomplice Yolanda Díaz and the other two psychopaths whom he has wanted to separate at this moment, have put extremely dangerous individuals on the street who will surely attack and rape the women and when that happens, because that is going to happen, who is going to assume the consequences?”, the Vox leader asked his followers.

Abascal later focused on harshly disqualifying the second vice president and head of Labor, Yolanda Díaz, who is now Sumar’s candidate, about whom he stated: “It is clear that as soon as Pablo Iglesias put her there, this lady gave back and bash! she stabbed him several times in the ribs, one after the other ”. “He has taken away the game, he has thrown his wife out of it… this lady cannot be left with the keys to the house, or the keys to the car, nor can she be left in charge of the children,” he added. “This lady is a very, very dangerous lady, she is the same one we have seen praising the importance of Hugo Chávez’s Bolivarian Revolution and now she is dressed in Armani,” Abascal continued charging, to applause from his acolytes. .

The day after the Almería meeting, Abascal traveled to Valladolid where he continued his particular crusade against the Government, seasoning his speech with the usual disqualifications against Pedro Sánchez and the leader of Sumar, whom on this occasion he nicknamed “the daggers” based on in the same argument that he has betrayed Pablo Iglesias, appropriating his political space and “throwing out his wife”, Irene Montero. Previously, he had advocated “sitting the president of the CIS, José Félix Tezanos, on the bench, whom he accuses of manipulating the polls in favor of the PSOE.

At the same rally, the far-right leader called Díaz “undocumented.” “Now that undocumented woman, a partner of the President of the Government, has come out to promise 20,000 euros to the young people. They could have given it to them while they governed but, no, they have waited for the elections to arrive,” he said, adding without providing data or sources that this measure is already “publishing on all Moroccan pages” to see how he can get that help, which in his opinion only causes the “pull effect” in the youth of that country. “We already know what this government is bringing us, the pull effect, the insecurity and degradation of our neighborhoods,” she said.

Sánchez’s “hateful attitude”

On Monday of last week, the leader of Vox left his night schedule free so as not to miss the face-to-face between Sánchez and Feijóo that Atresmedia organized. As soon as the duel ended, he charged against both leaders: “I think that the Spanish have already seen enough in this debate. It’s worrying. For five years Moncloa has been occupied by a narcissistic, aggressive and disturbed character…. And to that dangerous character, Mr. Feijóo has just offered an abstention so that he can continue… ”, he lamented, alluding to the pact offered by the PP leader so that the two commit to letting the most voted list govern.

The following day, in an electoral act in Malaga, without hiding that he was hurt because he has not been invited to star in any face-to-face with either of the two leaders, Abascal referred to the debate again to attack Pedro Sánchez on which he expressed his opinion. that “he was aggressive, nervous and rude.” “With his interruptions he came to mistreat the audience, he mistreated the presenters and even the opponent [Núñez Feijóo]”, he added to insist that “Pedro Sánchez has been dangerous for Spain and in that attitude of aggressiveness and hatred that we perceived yesterday, with that contorted face that he was seen, he has become an even greater danger for the Spanish people”.

#Abascal #floods #rallies #insults #Sánchez #Díaz #ministers #United

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