Abbas ‘forgets’ about Hamas and gives ethics lessons to the US on account of the American veto in the UN

by time news

2023-12-09 18:37:24

The US veto of the latest resolution proposal in the UN Security Council calling for a ceasefire in Gaza Stripwhich prevented it from being approved, has provoked an angry reaction from the president of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmud Abbas, who has accused them of being “complicit in genocide“.

Abbas considers the American veto a “immoral” act and a “shame” that will haunt the country “for many years.” He has also called the US position “aggressive and immoral, and a flagrant violation of all humanitarian values ​​and principles“, according to a statement collected by the official Palestinian news agency Wafa.

“This American policy turns the United States into complicit in the crime of genocide, ethnic cleansing and war crimes committed by the Israeli occupation forces against the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, the West Bank and Jerusalem,” the president added.

The American veto is, according to Abbas, representative of a position “that has become a danger to the world and a threat to international peace and security”, and also gives “a new green light to Israel” to continue with its aggression. ” and, in historical terms, “will constitute a shame that will haunt the United States of America for many years“.

US reasons for the veto

The US has given as a reason for vetoing the resolution promoted by the UN Secretary General, António Guterres, that a cessation of hostilities would result in an immediate benefit for the Hamas terroristsand would be counterproductive to Washington’s diplomatic efforts to secure the release of hostages held by terrorists in Gaza.

In the vote, 13 countries did so in favor of the resolution—China, France, Russia (permanent members), Albania, United Arab Emirates, Brazil, Ecuador, Gabon, Ghana, Switzerland, Japan, Malta and Mozambique—and United Kingdom abstained.

Abbas thanked those 13 countries for their affirmative vote, which in this way “they took the side of justice, peace and human ethics“. It is still a Joke of bad taste – Disagreeable joke that includes Russia and China – not to mention others – as countries that are “on the side of justice, peace and human ethics”, when in addition the British ambassador to the UN, Barbara Woodward, has explained her abstention because the resolution did not contain an explicit condemnation of Hamas.


In his statements reported by the official Palestinian news agency Wafa, the president of the Palestinian Authority did not even make any no mention of the origin of the self-defense war waged by Israel after the terrifying Hamas massacre on October 7 and the more than a hundred hostages who remain in the hands of the terrorists in the Gaza Strip.

The US veto has been harshly criticized by the countries that have voted affirmatively on Guterres’ proposal. Organizations such as Amnesty International, Doctors Without Borders and Human Rights Watch have joined the rejection, which have maintained a clearly pro-Palestinian and anti-Israeli stance for years.

Something that does not clash with the clearly anti-Semitic stance of the Western leftthat not even on the same day of the massacre were they able to unequivocally condemn the Hamas attack on innocent civilians.

This despite the fact that, since the same Saturday of the massacre, the Hamas murderers themselves dedicated themselves to uploading videos to social networks with the atrocities they were committing against innocent men, women, the elderly and children.

A position, that of the West, that the president of the Spanish Government, Pedro Sanchezhas taken it so far that even the Hamas terrorists themselves congratulated him after his trip through Israel, Palestine and Egypt.

No country in the world is denied the right to defend itself from a foreign attack, in this case a terrorist massacre, except Israel. But that in a situation as delicate as the one Israel is going through – whose society is in a state of shock – and on the same day that the first exchange was going to take place between kidnapped Israeli hostages and imprisoned Palestinian terrorists, Pedro Sánchez was praised for Hamas for its “clear and bold stance” against Israel’s response is something difficult to overcome.

#Abbas #forgets #Hamas #ethics #lessons #account #American #veto

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